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  1. forgot to mention panel is 360x1380 and I use it at the far right of my main display.
  2. Thanks to nyncuk2003 for the initial template and the very nice circular gauges. I converted this to vertical, updated for my hardware (16 cores/ 32 threads) and tagged the Gold/Silver cores and added: - fan speed gauges (filename is GFAN*) from ?? - thanks for the very cool fans. - temp gauges (filename is smal_gaugeXX) from ?? - thank for these well executed gauges. I would be happy to credit the authors of these fine gauges - reply if you know or are the author. This needs lots of work yet to balance the display better, but thought I would share this vertical implementation. working-vertical.sensorpanel
  3. Looking at my network hardware, the Wi-Fi NIC is named WiFi .. but I do not have an option in the sensor panel to select. Is there a way to dynamically select the 'connected' network adapter for the panel? thx
  4. probably just missing something simple, but I would like to define a color palette and add the selections to the 'custom colors' for ready selection when adding new sensorpanel elements. However, when I select a color setting it only saves into the upper left position and the option to define custom colors is not available. What am I missing? Thanks!
  5. Started with an example from JayzTwoCents from a youtube how-to he posted. Tinkered with the content to show all 32 threads, etc. Still working on the bottom bit and the video fan speed is not reporting (sigh) 5950x_sensorpanel.sensorpanel
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