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Everything posted by WillisIVXX

  1. i'd like this in 1024x600
  2. And that is why it is what it is, entitled pissants just like this. Same reason some of the best roms aren't around anymore. No respect whatsoever, and think they deserve everything. And if i get kicked/banned i don't really care, because this is why every great thing turns to shit..........But let someone make a cool few million and you couldn't get to the courthouse fast enough to file a suite, gtfoh
  3. It wasn't the fact of people using or modifying the content, it was the fact of them selling on other sites/forums for profit without proper credit and/or permission. The term Kanging would almost fit, but its too nice. More like doouchebags who are always looking to make a dollar that doesn't require any effort from themselves.
  4. i really like this horizontal one, link by any chance
  5. Utilization
  6. that looks beast also
  7. @Wilson Tan is the original artist, i made some edits to match my hardware but kinda dig this, love green and black
  8. that interface 101 with green instead of orange would be beast
  9. I quoted who i think did it, its before page 75, maybe the original artist will send you a copy, i however have it but will not share without permission
  10. its 1024x600, i would love to share but with all thats going on with people after a $, not only that it isn't my work, i just moddded it to my setup/preferences. However if the download is still availvible i got it here, definatatly before page 220, if i aint mistaken
  11. this is the one i've been using the most lately, of course this isn't my work. just modified to fit my tastes.
  12. thanks for sharing, gonna play with it tonight
  13. I'm starting to feel as though this is going to be a thing of the past. Really great work by people who are very talented spoiled by looters and capatolists kinda like a lot of things with android. I myself download a lot of these panel that are posted and just modify whats needed to match my hardware and tastes. Glad i was able to get the ones that i was able to download before all this mess. I am glad i was able to get the ones from you and a few others, but would never use your work to make money, these fools need to get a job and stop thinking they can get by on someone else. So for them, thanks so f**king much for taking something great from everyone else just to make a few dollars, I really hope your site gets hacked and you go back to the cardboard box in an alley getting pissed on by all the cats and dogs there. And even then they deserve way worse, but i'm keeping it PG-13 rated at least. However, sorry it came to where those who abide by the code are punished, while they still do the same shit everywhere and walk around like they aren't trash.
  14. I just picked up an 11900k 2 weeks ago. Love it now thats its settled in, I finally got over 6000 in xtu2 bench with 4cores @5400mhz and 5300mhz on the other 4
  15. Really sad day, I always look forward to your panels. But this is pretty much the way it goes, happened in the android custom rom days really bad, G+ , and xda. At least xda would delete the questionable posts and kick/ban the party
  16. I found it here, just made some edits to my liking
  17. Yeah I understand that, and i don't worry with all this politically correct, safe room needing people. I didn't care for all that, i just handled business, which is really whats wrong with todays world. No one has grit
  18. This is the problem with so many forums, and also why so many other great panels that were here aren't here now. If he shares the sensorpanel file, he shares, if he doesn't, then he doesn't. No one is entitled to anyones work, if you ask politely he might share, but this leaves a bad taste in peoples mouth when you come at people like this.
  19. I have a h100 elite capellix also, i'll help any way i can, either windows or linux, as aida64 for linux would be awesome also for us android peeps that cant always see conky
  20. here is one i modified to 1024x600, it is by no means my work AIDA64-12-31.oslcd
  21. i really like this one, gonna have to use it
  22. i would love this in 1024x600 for my tablet
  23. i wouldn't mind this one either
  24. i have that same case boxed back up in my bedroom, moved into a phantek p400a with a i5 10600k
  25. So i edited one i found on here, this is not my work, but i like it. There's a few small things that i'm gonna do, but overall, i'm happy to have a use for this old kindle fire.
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