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  1. Someone maybe knows from where i have this bar? I got only 3 Parts in my Folder :/
  2. This is a rly rly nice feature idea!
  3. Deleted..
  4. Hi i have a Question The Sensor Panel Directory i Found and when i Change the Background there and replace it with a Background wit the same Name it will instantly Change the Background of my Sensor Panel. This also Works for the Gauges and Stuff. But the Exact Positions are Stored somewhere else. When you Delete the whole Folder all gauges Background is gone but the Main Panel stays just without all the Pictures. Are there anywhere the Files that are get saved when you import a Panel? So that there where the posibilty to Change the whole Sensor Panel just by Replacing these Files? I got my whole PC Synced with my Room ambiente and i would like to use Different Panels on the Fly by Replacing these Files with a Script. Thx in Advance
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