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  1. please can people put the size and a picture of there panel, and a download if they don`t mind sharing with people thank you
  2. is there a sensor to measure the memory in GBs, to show how much is being used rather than MHz, MHz doesn't mean anything to me its just a frequency
  3. 2022-10-06.sensorpanel
  4. how are you sticking the monitor to your case
  5. I'm getting better, learning more this is my new panel 600x1024 2022-02-24_sensorpanel.c280fd71fe56d22e7b37e3c3dfb91b48
  6. 2022-02-17.sensorpanel racing car theme
  7. I love your gauges, but can you do them with other colors and make them be resizable within aida64. you should ask for a donation with PayPal. there are people crying out for custom bars and gauges that don't have the know how or the brains like me to create them. is there a way your gauges can be downloaded as a pack and be resizable within aida64 with options to change the colors.
  8. is there anyone who can create custom gauges and bars for a PayPal fee, make them downloadable and useable within aida64, I have downloaded sensor panels with custom gauges but you can only use them within the downloaded panel not to use in your own panel and there not resizable. I can see some one with the know how making good money from this , I think there is a demand for it as us newbies haven't got a clue

  9. why can't Aida64 do more custom gauges and bars as a add on at a small cost, so newbies like me can do more ,the standard in extreme is very basic, you have choice to have a circle gauge black or white,i would like to see more to change the style like with a needle and more colours within gauges and bars, also to have frames to box our meters with different shapes.there must be someone who can make a add on. please
  10. newbie here, I have started my panel , but have to finish it when I have built my new computer. its for 1366x768 2022-01-28.sensorpanel
  11. can any one tell me what programmes you are using to create the images to put into your sensor panels. Does any one know if there is a programme that can create different gauges and bars. because the stock ones in aida64 are boring.
  12. i love it,great panel.i have just brought a panel 11.9"x2" but have no idea on how to design one. is there any chance a can download yours
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