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Juan Antonio Martín Jiménez

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Everything posted by Juan Antonio Martín Jiménez

  1. Here you are, some of them are not cleaned, some other have lost some layers during the process obsidian_cpu_temp_gauge.psd obsidian_monitor_frame.psd obsidian_cpu.psd obsidian_speaker.psd obsidian_clock.psd obsidian_cpu_fans.psd obsidian_network.psd obsidian_title_panel.psd obsidian_footer_panel_l.psd
  2. Sorry i typed wrong, is lively wallpaper, and it allows to set different video backgrounds on all or any screen. In the tab active backgrounds, there are some radio buttons, and one of them is 'Show only in the selected screen' and also mark the check box 'Always select the screen when selecting the background'
  3. Just adding red and black color background variants with screenshot samples.
  4. Hi, i already finished my first cusomized sensor panel, and sharing it, called it Obsidian green. I used, some parts from here and there. Some notes: Sensor panel is set at about 15% transparency, because i am using a video in the background (I am using Lively wallpaper for the background, since it's free, is available at microsoft store, and it doesn't consume so much resources) Used 3 fonts: Main font is eurofigther https://www.dafont.com/eurofighter.font For some digits used: Digital Dismay -> https://www.dafont.com/digital-dismay.font And just for % symbol with the digits: DS-Digi -> https://www.dafont.com/es/ds-digital.font For the background video i used this one from: https://www.vecteezy.com/video/2857728-3d-rendering-circuit-of-artificial-intelligence-transfer-data-loop The video attached is resized and cut, to drastically reduce the size to don't use so much resources. cpu-data-transfer.mp4 ObsidianGreen.sensorpanel eurofighter.ttf DS-DIGI.TTF Digital Dismay.otf
  5. Is still work in progress, i will share it when finished
  6. Hi @all, i'm new here and new with AIDA64, i have a WIP template, reusing parts of templates i have found here. I am trying to setup Aida background with a transparent png but it didn't work, the only thing i found about transparency is in preferences, but it makes all the panel transparent so exactly what i am looking for. Also for animations i found the only way is setup a LCD with a webview, but this is not an option i managed to get work. I attached a video with an example of what i am trying, using a video as background and putting aida64 on top. Any ideas or suggerences? Also to simulate an animation could be posible to use some kind of fake device which refresh faster than other elements and simulates all steps of an animation and then going again to 0?
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