Hi, i already finished my first cusomized sensor panel, and sharing it, called it Obsidian green.
I used, some parts from here and there.
Some notes:
Sensor panel is set at about 15% transparency, because i am using a video in the background (I am using Lively wallpaper for the background, since it's free, is available at microsoft store, and it doesn't consume so much resources)
Used 3 fonts:
Main font is eurofigther https://www.dafont.com/eurofighter.font
For some digits used: Digital Dismay -> https://www.dafont.com/digital-dismay.font
And just for % symbol with the digits: DS-Digi -> https://www.dafont.com/es/ds-digital.font
For the background video i used this one from: https://www.vecteezy.com/video/2857728-3d-rendering-circuit-of-artificial-intelligence-transfer-data-loop
The video attached is resized and cut, to drastically reduce the size to don't use so much resources.
ObsidianGreen.sensorpanel eurofighter.ttf DS-DIGI.TTF Digital Dismay.otf