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  1. Oh, now i understand the use of this option, thank you. Yes, either if i turn it off by pressing the power button or if the main monitor goes into sleep mode. Is there any way to prevent that? No matter the activity of the main monitor, on/off/sleep, the sensor panel to stick on the second one?
  2. Im afraid it still doesnt work. As soon as i power off my main monitor, sensoprpanel close from the second one, although i pin it to the second display.
  3. So until now, noone has found a solution? I found a link for lcdhype to work with aida64 with a plugin, but i have no idea how to work with lcd hype!
  4. Namuk have you tried to contact with Sonic again?
  5. I just did, so i guess we cant do much at this point. Thats sad
  6. I have absolutely no idea on both of these. Why dont you try to contact with alphacool? They should be able to guide you on whatever you need!
  7. I joined this forum just for this. I use Aida64 and i m really happy with it. But i used to use my Alphacool lcd and evererst while gaming and while folding with my screen off. Now my alphacool lcd is useless. Do you have any updates on this matter plz?
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