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Everything posted by Ser4ph4

  1. Yes, follow :> https://www.deviantart.com/xenium-art/art/Weather-Zone-UPDATED-10-JAN-2022-839196540
  2. It certainly follows: remembering that for the climate you need the Rainmiter 405904889_Sensorpanel1920x480.sensorpanel
  3. Mi new sensor painel 1920x480 https://forums.aida64.com/topic/667-share-your-sensorpanel/?do=findComment&comment=45378
  4. After getting some ideas here's my sensor theme for aida64 : 1PC IDLE: PC FULL LOAD:
  5. I thought about that too, I'm researching about it, I also read about using the rainmeter grateful friend
  6. Hello friend I'm finishing my secondary monitor screen with aida64 Weather forecast in sensor panel? its possible? how to put Thanks
  7. Hello man, whats model suport?
  8. Ola estou tentando fazer funcionar umPainel que peguei no ali link abaixo. porem mesmo seguindo os passos citados por voçe nao encontrei a opçao do AX206 no gerenciador, tenho a ultima versão do aida instalada: Pode me ajudar? https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/1005004282574334.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.5ccacaa4QDfX8Q&gatewayAdapt=glo2bra
  9. Hello, What is the resolution it/ screen size?
  10. Hello Friend, whats model screen name?
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