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Everything posted by Ser4ph4

  1. Nice job
  2. Mando bem em
  3. good job
  4. Mandou bem
  5. Nice bro, i like this.
  6. i like this, nice panel.
  7. Nice job man, thx
  8. Um belo painel amigo.
  9. Ual a like this, thx for shared.
  10. i like this =D you cant share this?
  11. Very nice my friend
  12. Hello, see if you can find it at:
  13. Minimal and objective, nice work.
  14. Nice panel =D
  15. Definitely a nice job
  16. Show em gostei
  17. Um belo painel =D
  18. Great job
  19. Ok, Thanks
  20. I don't think so, from what I've seen about panels this is not possible
  21. You cant share this?
  22. Hello a im used : GeForce and DS Point
  23. Hello guys ,I made some corrections and updated some details in my panel AIDA64, it follows in Idle/Full 1920/480 ---------------------- Idle: --------------------- Full: Follow : Enjoy =D 2022-09-26-Ser4ph4.sensorpanel
  24. i like this, good job.
  25. Olá amigo, fico feliz em ver um BR aqui fazendo belos trabalhos, parabéns seus painéis são incríveis.



      Valeu que bom que gostou.. Dão muito trabalho em fazer, mas e bem prazeroso.

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