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  1. Available ready-made panel size: 1920x480 / 1920x515 / 3840x1100 Each panel size contains 2 sensor panel files colour, cyan and orange. MEMORY - L: Low / H: High SYS FAN - S: Slow / F: Fast STORAGE - F: Free Space Easily set the min. and max. value for CPU/GPU usage, power, temp, and fan/pump icon alert. 1920x480 / 1920x515 3840x1100 Visit https://www.bhsysensorpanel.net/ for more designs.
  2. I forgot to mention that I have also tried the new 'Resize' feature on my custom gauge, and there are no issues. Your latest beta version works flawlessly👍.
  3. I tried it on my side. It worked😊. After I edited the images and the custom gauge images and overwritten the old image files in the SensorPanel folder, they were updated immediately without the need to save, close and reopen the AIDA program. Thank you!😊
  4. I prefer the sensor panel file to update/refresh automatically after I make some changes. A refresh/update button is acceptable if it can't be done.
  5. I'm using the latest beta, which is also happening to me. After changing the icon colour, I copy and paste it into the SensorPanel folder, it didn't update the change immediately. It is annoying that I need to save the sensorpanel file every time, close it and reopen it to see the changes😔.
  6. I like the green and purple colours. Can you add both?
  7. Thanks for your reply. I saved all the image files as 8-bit PNG files to make the file size smaller. Sorry, I wasn't clear in my email. As I mentioned in my email, I changed the 2_temp_gauge_xx.png, 3_clock_gauge_xx.png, 5_power_xx.png to 32-bit PNG files today to test them on the resize feature and there are no problems with the transparency. Can't I use the 8-bit PNG file format? Is it not possible to make it work on this newly added feature? It can save up a lot of file sizes. Thanks.
  8. If I remember correctly, in the previous version 7.5.07100, whenever I remove all the images from the source, all images on the panel will disappear immediately. I guess the newer version works differently which is fine for me. Thanks.
  9. Thank you Fiery for the prompt action. I downloaded the link you provided and it solved the problem.
  10. Today I tried out the new "Resize" feature for custom gauge. The gauge images were created from Illustrator. From the screenshot, the smaller gauge is in 100px x 100px PNG format before using the resize feature. It has only 0-15 states (16 images). However, some images lose the background transparency after changing the size to 200px x 200px. No problem for 500px x 500px. I tried different sizes with no problem except for the 200px size. I tried on my other gauges but they failed to produce the transparency, not even restarting the AIDA. I believe the background image and other image problems I mentioned in my earlier post were caused by this newly added "Resize" feature. The older version doesn't have these problems. I like this new feature, please find out the cause and fix it. Thanks. 20241212_062733.mp4
  11. My latest finding is very weird. I removed all the images from the SensorPanel folder but my panel still showed all the images, especially the custom gauges. I forgot to attach an ISA Sensor dump file in case you need it. isasensordump.txt
  12. After I updated the AIDA64 to the latest version 7.50.7200, I encountered some problems with the images. After I imported a new sensor panel skin, the old background image was still there instead of a new one. I have checked the images from the FinalWire folder -> AIDA64 Extreme -> SensorPanel, it had all the correct images from the newly imported skin. As shown in the above screenshot, the new background image is supposed to be a darker image but still shows the orb image. No problem with the older version. Checking the box on the "Background image" (highlighted in red box) does help to rectify the background image problem but I'm not going to keep checking the box every time I load a new skin. As for this screenshot, the CPU, GPU temp and memory gauges were supposed to be in earth stone colour but they still appear in black from the previous file. SensorPanel folder shows that they were all in earth stone colour. I have no problem with the older version but the new version has these problems. I have tried to clean install my latest GPU driver and update to the latest Windows files. I also uninstalled, removed all files from the Finalware folder and reinstalled it with a new .exe AIDA64 file. I have to restart the AIDA64 program every time I load a new panel skin.
  13. Panel size: 480x1920 / 515x1920 / 1920x480 / 1920x515 colour: Dark / Gravel / Grey Nickel / Zeon Char / Gundam / Midnight Blue *The images (mobile suits) on the Zeon and Gundam panels can be hidden/removed. Visit https://www.bhsysensorpanel.net/ for more info
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