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BHSY last won the day on August 24 2024

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  1. TUF Sensor Panel. Available in 1920x480/1920x515 Before modifying the sensor items, please temporarily hide the lens image (the last sensor item in the 'SensorPanelManager'). CPU/GPU utilization and temperature gauge use 8 sensors (101 images). Memory/GPU memory utilization gauge uses 8 sensors (101 images). Saving file time: 3 seconds. 53_1920x480_TUF 53_1920x515_TUF Visit https://www.bhsysensorpanel.net/ for more info. and designs.
  2. I'm unsure if the way I explain will be clear enough to understand. Yes, I want the 4 duplicated items to appear directly below the selected item #4 together, not separated. In this way, I don't have to move down the items one by one as shown in the video. Very tedious. Can it be done?
  3. Watch the video below on how I usually duplicate the sensors. Usually I will use hot keys to move down the sensors, much easier. Also, you need to create a 'static label', hide them and duplicate maybe 5 or 6 of them at the last line if not the last sensor item that you want to duplicate will not appear. There is a small risk of using this method. You might highlight the wrong sensor. Please watch the video a few times if you don't understand. 20250317_151458.mp4 Still, I hope when a group of sensors were duplicated, they can stay together instead of separated, just like Excel Spreadsheet. I hope it can be done.
  4. I second that. I would like to have this change/fix too.
  5. "You are most welcome"☺️
  6. Available in: 1920x480 / 1920x515 / 480x1920 / 515x1920 Each size contain 2 colours Visit https://www.bhsysensorpanel.net/ for more designs.
  7. So no more Hotspot for 50 series GPU. Thank you for the information👍.
  8. Hi, I just upgraded my GPU card to 'ASUS TUF Gaming GeForce RTX 5070 Ti 16GB GDDR7 OC Edition'. Currently, AIDA64 is unable to provide me with the GPU Hotspot temperature and the System Stability Test to stress GPU is not working. I have attached an isasensordump.txt file. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you. isasensordump.txt
  9. You must be using a 4k monitor with a display scale of 150%. All panel skins are recommended to be created in 100% scale. RECOMMENDED FIX: Go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme\ and right-click the aida64.exe and select Properties" or look for the AIDA64.exe file if you use the portable ZIP package downloaded from AIDA64. Select the 'Compatibility tab'. Click on the 'Change high DPI settings' Select/check the "Override high DPI scaling behaviour. Scaling performed by:" and Select "System" from the drop-down list. Click OK. Close and reopen the AIDA64 program. Import the sensor panel skin again. Restart your Windows and load/import your sensor panel skin again if it is still out of scale. This should fix the display scaling problem. Always use these steps when installing the AIDA64 program.
  10. You need to rename the file extension from .sensorpanel to .tulcd. Then go to preferences, select LCD, 'enable Turing LCD support' LCD items, select the import button to import the .tulcd file and click apply.
  11. You're welcome!
  12. Did you install the 'Rivatuner Statistics Server' program? You need this program to show the FPS. You can Google search for it.
  13. Transformer-Matrix of Leadership panel skin using simple gauges available in 1920x480 / 1920x515 All gauges used 0-15 states (16 images) The crystal ball at the center will get brighter as GPU usage increase (while gaming). Full brightneess when useage reach 90%-100% (default sensor). 51_1920x515_MOL.mp4 ☝️Drawn using Illustrator. ☝️Matrix of Leadership panel skin on a TURZX turing smart screen device using LCD from AIDA64 preferences. Visit https://www.bhsysensorpanel.net/ for more info.
  14. Hey! The new beta link update works😃. It switched off the screen when I quit AIDA64, and my computer no longer woke up from sleep mode. Thank you.
  15. Yes, it was the Turing device that woke the system up. I forgot to mention I connected the device to a 9-pin USB port. When I put my computer to sleep, the screen went blank, but a few seconds later, my computer woke up. Even without using the AIDA64, the device would wake up the system. Every time I use the device, I rely on the TURZX software to 'Exit the software and shut down the device'. I forgot to try connecting using USB type C to USB type A. When I'm free, I'll try it out and let you know.
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