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JariKoi last won the day on December 5

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  1. Can you post a screenshot of where this setting is located? I tried looking for it earlier, but couldn't find it. And thank you if this now works normally again like before. I'll try it as soon as I can.
  2. Can you post a screenshot of where this setting is located? I tried looking for it earlier, but couldn't find it. And thank you if this now works normally again like before. I'll try it as soon as I can.
  3. I would have asked if it is possible to get one old feature back. If I make a panel and add a sensor (custom gauge) to panel and upload images to sensor. However, if I want to change sensor images to a different size or change color, I won't see change without closing entire program and reopening it. Old one stays in some cache and doesn't update until I close entire program and reopen it. Really annoying. Previously, you could change on the fly and see the change immediately and didn't have to close entire program and then reopen it. Or would it be possible to get some kind of "update panel" button in the program? I'm using the latest beta. @Fiery @Mice007 I'm putting this same question in two threads.
  4. I would have asked if it is possible to get one old feature back. If I make a panel and add a sensor (custom gauge) to panel and upload images to sensor. However, if I want to change sensor images to a different size or change color, I won't see change without closing entire program and reopening it. Old one stays in some cache and doesn't update until I close entire program and reopen it. Really annoying. Previously, you could change on the fly and see the change immediately and didn't have to close entire program and then reopen it. Or would it be possible to get some kind of "update panel" button in the program? I'm using the latest beta. @Fiery @Mice007 I'm putting this same question in two threads.
  5. I just looked at the display you linked, it's 1920x720 and not 1920x780. Here is search result.
  6. I made a quick simple panel. Size is 1920x480 and I am not making it another size. Panel is free to modify. Font is included in the package. DOWNLOAD - link is valid for 30 days.
  7. Panel 48_515x1920 / 48_1920x480 / 48_1920x515 (panel has 4 different background: gray, yellow, pink and blue) Panel 48_515x1920 / 48_1920x515 Black Panel 48_515x1920 WhiteBlack Panel 48_515x1920 / 48_1920x515 PcPartsBlack (Logos can be changed) Panel 48_515x1920 ACDC Black Panel 48_515x1920 ACDC White Panel 48_515x1920 Delta Force Panel 48_515x1920 Delta Force Army Panel 48_515x1920 / 48_1920x515 Gold (panel has 4 different background: Black, Grey, Gold and Red)
  8. Panel DD 515x1920 / 1920x515 Black Panel DD 515x1920 / 1920x515 BlackYellow Panel DD 515x1920 / 1920x515 White
    1. JariKoi


      Hi, i can sell you panel. Here's my gallery. Is there anything you'd like in vertical 1080x1920? I assume you are looking for a vertical panel? Can you send me a private message so we can continue the conversation there? 



  9. Panel BIO 515x1920 / 1920x515 (Panel has 3 backgrounds).
  10. Panel SS 515x1920 / 1920x515 / 1920x480 Panel SS 515x1920 / SS 1920x515 / 1920x480 Darkside (only one background) Panel has 5 different colored backgrounds. White, pink, orange, blue and green. Panel 515x1920 / 1100x3840 DarkSide Black ver.2 Panel 515x1920 DarkSide White (has 2 backgrounds) Panel 515x1920 Delta Force (has 2 backgrounds) Panel SS 1024x600 DarkSide Black (has 5 different Darth Maul in the panel) Panel SS 1024x600 Darkside White Panel SS 1024x600 Batman Panel SS 1024x600 Delta Force
  11. Panel DS 515x1920 / 1920x515 Panel DS 515x1920 BlackBlue (only one background) Panel has 4 different colored backgrounds. Black, red, green and blue.
  12. Bonsoir 

    Jr sui nouveau sur aida 64 et je possede un ecran 1920×720 donc je me permet de venir vers bous afin de savoir si vous voulez bien me faire parvenir un sesorpanel avec cette definitipn s'il vous plait'

    Je vous en remercie d'avance


    1. JariKoi


      Hello, you can buy a panel from me, if you can find one you like, I can change the size to 1920×720. Go check out my skins. If you find one you like there and you're ready to buy, you can send me a private message.

      Gallery or this Gallery

    2. ozzzy
    3. JariKoi


      Hello, write private message and please english. Use google translate for example. "Move your mouse over my profile image and click message button and send a private message".

  13. Panel F 515x1920 Black Panel F 515x1920 Grey Panel F 1920x515 / 1920x480 Black Panel F 1920x515 / 1920x480 Grey Panel F 1920x515 / 1920x480 / 1600x1200 Brown Panel F 1920x515 / 1920x480 Red
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