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Hi ! i have some issus with Aida :

First, when i run the stress test, aida tells me : Cpu throttling cpu overheating. So i'm scared and i stop the test... Is it normal ? Should i keep the test running ?

Also my laptop is brand new, on the box it says memory DDR3 @ 1333Mhz, but Aida tells me something like 600Mhz... Where does that come from ?

Thank you !


1) It means your CPU is overheating. You should stop the test and check the exhaust ports of your notebook -- maybe they're clogged up with dust that prevents hot air from escaping from your notebook's inside.

2) DDR3-1333 memory is running at 667 MHz real clock.




Ok great ! I'm gonna buy some new memory !

But i don't understand... I'm sure 100% the exhaust/intake ports are clean, since the computer is new... So you're saying it's not normal to have cpu overheating while stressing the system... ok. But why don't i have an alarm or something ??

It's an Intel duoCore B970 @2.3Ghz Win 8

thx for your help


I'm not sure why you want to buy new memory modules. If your memory is running at 667 MHz, then it is running at factory default (normal) settings for a DDR3-1333 module.

As for the overheating, some of the mobile computers may be designed in a sub-par way that even when everything is clean and brand new, the system can still not stand a heavy stress test without overheating. Usually your system is not under such heavy demand workloads, so the overheating most likely wouldn't come up while running regular everyday tasks. AIDA64 System Stability Test puts the "absolutely worst case scenario" on the computer.


For the memory, i just have an empty slot and i wasnt sure what type of memory i could use...

When i run Starcraft 2 on my pc, and i launch AIDA afer playing, it tells me also CPU OVERHEATING.

Does that mean i should stop playing Starcraft or do you think the computer can handle it ? (i can tell by putting my hand next to the fan that there's a good airflow, even if it's slightly (or fairly) hot...)

  On 1/5/2013 at 10:48 PM, bostonkikiki said:

When i run Starcraft 2 on my pc, and i launch AIDA afer playing, it tells me also CPU OVERHEATING.

Does that mean i should stop playing Starcraft or do you think the computer can handle it ? (i can tell by putting my hand next to the fan that there's a good airflow, even if it's slightly (or fairly) hot...)

In that case I'd bring the computer back to the shop for diagnosis. While playing a game the system should definitely not overheat.


Ok thanks a lot. Also, i'd like to know if my system is compatible with SSD. Can i get this information in Aida ?

And i'm having a hard time to tell the difference between my HDD and the motherboard controller about SATA...

Thanks again for your help !


AIDA64 shows physical information for both HDDs and SSDs on the Storage / ATA page.

Basically any SATA SSD drives are compatible with your system, as long as your system has a SATA controller.


Oh great ! thank you ! But my main problem now, is how am i gonna install win8 on that new SSD. Since i've got the computer (1 month) i never did any recovery or save thing... And i don't have the windows8 CD... I heard that you can format with an USB storage device... But can i really have a all new fresh windows by doing so ?

If yes, can you please tell me how...(especially how to "copy" a fresh windows on a USB drive !???) Thanks again, you've been very helpful !


I'm sorry, but we haven't yet installed any Windows using a USB drive, so I cannot help you about that. Maybe other users will chime in and give you guidelines.


By the way, the temperatures in aida when i run stress test are (around) :

motherboard 70

cpu 30

cpu1 core1 70

cpu1 core2 70

Hard drive 30

What ever i do the CPU temp stays at 30 degrees... is there a chance it's the GPU instead ?

or maybe the motherboard is actually the gpu (i have a Hybrid GT620m in my samsung laptop...)

thanks !


On mobile systems CPU temperature and motherboard temperature are usually read using ACPI calls. Such ACPI calls may provide inaccurate or "frozen" (fixed) values when the ACPI layer is not properly implemented. In such cases it's best to ignore those values, and focus on the core temperature readings.


Hi ! sorry to bother you again. Can you explain to me the exact "tree" in Aida to know if i have a mSATA slot in my laptop. I tried hard and coulnd't find anything... (i might actually not have one but i'd like to be sure...)


Unfortunately it's not possible to detect the existence of the mSATA slot in mobile systems, so AIDA64 won't be able to show you such information :(


ok thanks ! the thing is, i opened my laptop, and there's only one fairly big panel that comes out (at the back of the laptop). I can access the HDD and the RAM... that's it ! i can't reach the cpu, or the cpu cooler (unless i remove completely the back panel... so... do you think it's possible i have a mSATA behind the panel that is not supposed to be open easily ?

thx !


ok lol thanks ! You're right, i have to stop dreaming. I'm an idiot... i start learning things about computers right after i bought it... i should have done it the other way around ;) 

Thanks again for your help you've been very helpful !

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