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AIDA64 installed on SSD or HDD ? (G19 LCD API disk leak)

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Hey all,

i have a question.

Since nearly one year i use AIDA 64 Extreme installed on my SSD. Now i updated SSD Fresh and i check the tooles...and i was shocked. AIDA write a fucking lot of on my SSD, is it normal and it is ok for the SSD ?


i uploaded a picture, 5mins befor i stopped AIDA and start to search in google to find one about , but nothing ^^


Thx 4 answers ;)



If you use the automatic update feature, then that alone would explain the 783 MB write in a year. Since it first downloads the update package, then extracts the files. So at every update it writes cca. 120 MB on the disk right now.  It was less than that before we've implemented DPI scaling though.

Also, if you use the Logging facility or the disk write benchmark, those could write gigabytes on the disk very quickly ;)



I dont use the Benchmarks but the Monitoringtool for my Logitech G19. To see the temps from gpu/cpu , used ram etc.

Can i disable something ?  dont want so many writen mbits but i wanna use my lcd xD


We've checked, and the high disk traffic is caused by the Logitech LCD API that AIDA64 uses to display sensor values on your G19 keyboard LCD. As you can see on your screen shot, LCore.exe (Logitech LCD Core) also shows the same anomaly. Make sure to ask Logitech about this, since only they can fix this in their LCD API.


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