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I have a question. I have a 3ware (LSI) 9750-4i SATA/SAS PCI-e controller. It seems that when I start Aida64 the 9750-4i does not respond to Aida64 and this cause 12 error messages in Event Viewer. The attached jpegs show the errors in Event Viewer. PDF 3ware10K Error EventID11-1is from the WD drives hooked to Port0 and Port1 on the 9750-4i. I have three more screenshot PDF's I can post, but the website will not let me attached them even though they are on 90 to 120 KB's in size. Rather than me go into a lot of detail please read through the email tread below that I had with LSI Support.

Also please read this thread from Overclock.Net where a person thinks the lack of a response from the 9750-4i is what is causing the errors. Note that I get the same results when starting SpeedFan, only starting SpeedFan only produces two errors each time instead of twelve.


The point of all this is I was wondering if you have ever looked into Aida64 talking to 3ware and LSI SATA/SAS controllers. Here is a link to my 9750-4i.


Maybe the 3ware/LSI cards just do not have the capability to respond, but the product sheet that I supplied a link to says that my card has SMART support.

Anyway, I just thought that I would ask!



From: Support

Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 4:41 PM

To: Rod

Subject: RE: LSI SR 490258-93274500


They have not installed speedfan and they will not test with the Asus ROG because it is not a server motherboard. I am running out of ideas at this point. The only thing left to do is to test in a different system, but if you don’t have access to one this leaves us in a tricky spot.



From: Rod

Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 5:23 PM

To: Support

Subject: Re: LSI SR 490258-93274500


Have they actually installed Speedfan on an Asus ROG motherboard and tried to duplicate what I am seeing?


From: Rod

Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 4:19 PM

To: Support

Subject: Re: LSI SR 490258-93274500


See below.


From: Support

Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 8:20 AM

To: Rod

Subject: RE: LSI SR 490258-93274500


Please disregard that last email. I had just finished typing out a message and went to Control Enter to send, but accidentally did Control V and pasted over my whole email. Oh well.

So I spoke with the team but they have not had much luck getting this recreated. Please forgive any overlap with the questions I am about to ask you:

-Have you tried swapping cables? The cable I am using has four SATA ends. Out of the four ends I have used three, all with the same result, using a different end does not change the error code on port0. Swapping a drive off port0 to another port does not affect the error code, the error code stays on port0, even with no drive hooked to port0. I do not have a completely different cable to try.

-Have you tried using different drives? I do not have any other drives to test.

-Have you tested this in a different motherboard. I do not have a different motherboard to test.

I have a feeling that I’ve asked you some or all of these questions before, but just want to make sure.

I am starting to believe that the controller is defective, but I think it would be best to try some of the suggestions above first.

What are your thoughts?



From: Rod

Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 5:39 PM

To: Support

Subject: Fw: LSI SR 490258-93274500


Do you have any kind of status from your QA Dept in regards to duplicating the issue?

When we talked a week ago you were going to talk to some other people to see what they thought and I would like to see LSI try and duplicate what I am seeing.

Please advise.


From: Rod

Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 8:13 AM

To: Support

Subject: Re: LSI SR 490258-93274500

Jason, besides the two I emailed you on 7/30 and the two that I emailed you on 7/21 what other screenshot do you want?


From: Support

Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 8:10 AM

To: Rod

Subject: RE: LSI SR 490258-93274500


Can you email me a screen shot of Event Viewer?



From: Rod

Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 6:51 PM

To: Support

Subject: Re: LSI SR 490258-93274500


I downloaded this and unzipped it, this is exactly the same driver that I already have installed. The names and dates on all the files are exactly the same so I have the latest driver installed.

As stated in a previous email, it is not possible for me to test the 9750-4i in another PC.


From: Support

Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 9:40 AM

To: Rod

Subject: RE: LSI SR 490258-93274500

Hey Rod,

I appreciate your patience and am sorry this is still causing grief. Okay, so you have swapped cables and swapped PCIe slots with no difference. In fact, upon swapping PCIe slots the errors continue but point to a different port. This leads me to believe the issue is controller-based. The controller’s running the latest stable firmware. We have a newer, beta firmware release, but the documented fixes don’t include the errors you are getting so let’s hold back on that for now and assume that the firmware is not the issue.

I have looked at both logs entries but they’re not telling me a whole lot. Can you go ahead and attempt to install the driver from this link? http://lsi.com/downloads/Public/SATA/SATA%20Common%20Files/driver-win-97xx-10.2_.zip

You may already be on the most current version but the logs sometimes lie and I would like for you to verify this just in case.

Do you have the ability to test this behavior in an entirely different system? You can move the controller and both drives to a different system and should not have any trouble getting the system to boot back into Windows.



From: Rod

Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2011 9:15 AM

To: Support

Subject: Re: LSI SR 490258-93274500


Moving the card to slot 3 changed the error code in Event Viewer from RaidPort0 to RaidPort2. Starting Speedfan still gives 2 error codes and starting Aida64 still gives 12 error codes. Attached are two screenshots that show the RaidPort2 error code. These are the same screenshots as previously sent for the RaidPort0 error code.

If it helps attached is a dump from today with the card in slot 3 and with the card in slot 4. Note that the two WD 600GB Vrap’s are connected to Vport 1 and 2 on the 9750-4i, there is not a drive connected to Vport 0.



From: Rod

Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 6:23 PM

To: Support

Subject: Re: LSI SR 490258-93274500

Hello Jason,

The Rampage III Extreme has four PCI-E 2.0 x16 slots. My GTX 480 is in slot one and it covers up slot two. The 9750-4i is in slot 4. Sometime in the next couple of days I will move the 9750-4i to slot three and let you know what happens.


From: Support

Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 8:05 AM

To: Rod

Subject: RE: LSI SR 490258-93274500

Hi Rod,

I think the cabling issue is okay but I am interested about these benchmark tools causing the errors. There may very well be conflicts with multiple programs reading off the same PCIe bus. Does the system have multiple PCIe slots, and if so, can you move the RAID card to one of these and test again?



From: Rod

Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 9:10 PM

To: Support

Subject: Re: LSI SR 490258-93274500

Hi Jason,

Well I swapped the cables between the two drives and that did not help. The cable marked P1 is the RaidPort0 specified in the error code in Event Viewer and is also Port0 on the 9750-4i.

I then plugged cables marked P2 and P3 into the two drives hooked to the 9750-4i. I still got the same error code for RaidPort0 in the Event Viewer with no drive hooked to Port0.

By chance I then found out what is actually triggers these error codes. When I start Speedfan v4.44 that triggers two of the error codes. When I start Aida64 v1.70.1400 that triggers 12 of the error codes. I started both programs four times each and verified this. Keep in mind that while I was doing this tonight no drives were actually hooked to Port0 on the 9750-4i.

I start Aida64 and Speedfan a lot so this probably explains 90%+ of the RaidPort0 error codes. It might even explain all of them.

Starting RealTemp, Asus AI Suite and Asus PC Probe II does not trigger any error codes.

My MB is a Rampage III Extreme and I wonder if this has something to do with those two programs reading data off the PCIE-2 bus. PC Probe II for sure and probably AI Suite also reads data off the PCIE-2 bus.

Any ideas on how to stop the error codes? Even though no drives are hooked to Port0 if you think a new cable could fix it I would be willing to buy a new one, but with no drives plugged into Port0 the cable being the problem would not make sense to me.



From: Rod

Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 6:02 PM

To: Support

Subject: Re: LSI SR 490258-93274500

I will give it a try sometime this weekend Jason and let you know what happened.


From: Support

Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 4:19 PM

To: Rod

Subject: RE: LSI SR 490258-93274500


I think you should be okay just swapping cables, even if they are labeled. The controller shouldn’t make a distinction between the cables to the drives.



From: Rod

Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 4:17 PM

To: Support

Subject: Re: LSI SR 490258-93274500

Thanks for the response Jason.

I do not think that I can swap cables, I would have to buy a new cable assembly.


As I recall all the Sata plugs were marked, P0, P1, P2 & P3 so if I swapped P0 for P2 wouldn’t that make the 9750-4i and/or Win7 think that Drive F was gone from P0 and a new drive was added to P2? If I am completely wrong in thinking that this is how it works and I can swap P2 for P0 let me know and I will give it a try.



From: Support

Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 2:25 PM

To: Rod

Subject: RE: LSI SR 490258-93274500


Thank you for the screen grabs and logs. You are running the latest drivers and firmware. This is actually a newer, beta firmware out, but I do not think flashing would resolve this issue. For some reason, Windows seems upset by the drive in port 0, the Western Digital WD6000HLHX-01JJPV0. This drive appears normal; I don’t see any errors or reallocated sectors on it. Have you attempted swapping the cable that connects the Port 0 drive with an extra? If you don’t have an extra, I would swap the cable with the one on Port 1. If the errors continue but now point to the Port 1 drive, we know what the problem is.



From: Rod

Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 2:10 PM

To: Support

Subject: Re: LSI SR 490258-93274500

Here you go Jason.

Let me know if you need anything else.


From: Support

Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 8:03 AM

To: rod

Subject: LSI SR 490258-93274500


Can you send me some of those screen shots? Also, can you run an LSIGet diagnostic batch file so I can see what driver version you are running?

The tool can be downloaded from here: http://kb.lsi.com/KnowledgebaseArticle12278.aspx?Keywords=lsiget



3ware10K Error EventID11-1.pdfFetching info...

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry for the late reply. We do have special support in AIDA64 for previous generation 3ware SATA RAID controllers, but no support yet for your RAID controller. In case you receive annoying event log entries due to the RAID controller polling layer of AIDA64, then please try to disable RAID SMART support in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Stability.

We'll need a bit more time to investigate this issue, since we currently only have older 3ware controllers in our test labs. So first we have to get one of the newer ones to try and reproduce the issues you're having.



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