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About Dudleydogg

  • Birthday November 29

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    Central Florida
  • Interests
    Gadgets Photography and Astrophotography, Computers Cloud Networks and more.

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  1. what brand is monitor Light Bars? Also I got you beat on screen real estate but can't post photo due to security reasons.
  2. Ever find this sensor panel?
  3. So i have the Ryujil III Extreme, and there are no panels for it, but these are the perfect height. So I just nudged the image over and shifted a few things to the Right and I got it to fit on my LCD for the Cooler, This is perfect, thanks
  4. OK I am back and forth with emails from Asus and each time they ping me to get a new firmware, Today I got their latest one and I can confirm the Aida64 is Working for me the 1st time. OK wow so they didn't just ignore me, but I have to admit I could not be the only one complaining. Now what is the size of this panel LOL and where can I get a few more for extra pages ?
  5. works with the Armory Crate but soon as I "Turn off Display" then enable Aida64 it goes to that blank but lit Screen with no data. so Close to making it work, they did update something on 2/17/2025 but I see no difference. Also, I can't find anyone who Says it Does work, and not that many say it does not work. We can't be the only few people trying to get this working. I would expect a little more news about all this. I mean ROG went through a lot of trouble to get this software even has their Icon on it
  6. Here is My USB Dump with ASUS Rog enabled in Aida64 with the blank Screen. Aida65-Rog-Ryujin_IIIusbdump.txt
  7. I did the firmware Update still blank screen, I still have a ticket open with aSUS and they asked me to do latest firmware which is the 2/17/2025 and it still didn't fix the issue.
  8. i found Armory Crate Full installer and only doing the specific Module for ROG Extreme III see what happens. Also did you ever find any Sensor Panels, their installer only provided 2?
  9. How did you see update in Firmware via Armory Crate?
  10. this is EXACTLY what mine is doing.
  11. Correctomundo, looking at the lianLI one but then back to Lconnect, my entire premise was NO Armory Crate no crapola just Aida64 and SignalRGB
  12. OK, i just opened a ticket with ASUS for the same issue thought it was something I was doing wrong, Armory Crate works just fine but each time I tick OFF the display, the screen goes dark, then when I enable Aida64 it lites up in that whitish glow and displays nothing. I have a case number for this issue.
  13. I would like to know how so when the program is stuck, But for the Future the problem was the USB Beada panel was HUNG and would not release the port so Aida64 got stuck too. the solution was to power off the computer and Unplug it to force the beada panel to shut down. What I do now is power off USB during sleep so the Beada (Internal panel) will shut off. Then Aida64 fires up perfectly.
  14. What font in this one?
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