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Captain Face-Plant

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Everything posted by Captain Face-Plant

  1. I like the new buttons released in the newest beta. They look like real buttons. Plus, they all match in shape and color now.
  2. Thanks for the clarification, Fiery.
  3. I noticed with the new icons, that "motherboard" retained it's old icon. Was this intentional or did motherboard accidentally get left out for the new icons?
  4. O.K. Compared HWMonitor vs Sensor Page vs OSD. The OSD and the HWMonitor matched consistently, with a standard variance of +/- 1C. Sensor Page Did not match HWMonitor all the time. It showed the same 4-6 C variance against OSD/HWMonitor when they were not in sync. I decided to poke around some more with aida64 and decided to exam the Statistics page of the System Stability Test versus HWMonitor. I believe the Statistics page in SST is suffering the same issue as Sensor Page in the main part of aida64. As you can see Core#1 (Core #0 in HWM) maximum value have a variance of 4C. Also, forgot one piece of information in my 1st reply: The stepping for the i7 920 CPU is D0.
  5. Out of curiosity today, i launched the old product, everest. It seems that it now behaves the same way now. Since the old product has the variance now as well, my only conclusion is that M$ patch tuesday has caused this issue. I do not know what could have done that, but since the values became eratic after patch tuesday, I have to assume that is the cause. Both products worked fine that day before updates were installed and both products now appear broke for core #1.
  6. O.K. I spent some time on this, this evening. Disabling TurboBoost did not eliminate the bug. So I left turboboost disabled and went to step two. I started with locking each core separately, 0-7. Here were the results. With processors 4-7 going solo locked, the results remained the same as before with core # showing the temp variance. With processor 0 or 4 locked, the results were the same again. However, with processor 1 locked, the temp variance was still there, however core # 2 readings wanted to play the buggy values game, but not as much as core #1. With processor 2 locked, core #1 still showed variance, but core #2 was showing the variance more than when processor 1 was locked.
  7. CPU is Intel Core i7 920 C1E and Speedstep disabled TurboBoost on (MB allows for +1x multiplier [boost] in BIOS. Default is 20, is set to 21) I did solve the situation. It seems the aida64.ini seems to be corrupted. I moved the file to my desktop to let aida64 rebuild a new one. New .ini generated has OSD and Sensor Page with all cores reporting the same value for the corresponding cores. (Secretly blames patch tuesday) You may lock this topic and is solved. It seems the solution did not last. Core #1 on the OSD is back to reporting value approx. 5c cooler than SensorPage once again.
  8. OK. I don't know exactly when this happened, but this evening I was keeping an eye on my temps (even though aida64 has been running the whole time) when on the OSD panel, cpu 1 / core #1 started reporting a completely different temp reading from the sensor page within aida64. At first, I thought closing the program and launching again would fix the issue, but it did not. So, I noted how much the OSD Core #1 reading was. About 4-6C cooler than the sensor page. All other cores on the OSD reported the same correct values as the sensor page. I ran a system stability test to see if that might unstick the reading in the OSD, but it continued to report the variance, 4-6 cooler than the sensor page for core #1. So I "watched" it some more, knowing that the actual intake temperature is progressively getting lower. After "watching" the OSD for a bit longer, it seems the OSD really wants core #1 to be 20c when idle, sometimes dropping to 19C or popping up to 21C. Meanwhile, core #1 in the sensor page is bouncing around between 19c and 27c, while the OSD just sits around 20c. I have my sensors set to update every one second in all aspects that can be set within aida64. I have provided a video clip for further assistance. video is 1680x1050 xvid and 1:11 in duration. Sorry for the external link, but the forum only allows for 500K for a file. As with visiting any file hosting site, please have 3rd party ad blocking software running when visiting. Please use adblocker before clicking
  9. I am very glad to be here Fiery. Products that are as useful as these deserve the attention. I am looking forward to help testing, tune and troubleshoot the product and also looking forward to continue helping other forum members when I able to.
  10. As you may all know already, Aida64 is the new product that replaces the retired Everest Ultimate/Corporate. To help your transition to Aida64 from the Everest counter-parts, I will share some simple things to make your life easier with Aida64, and to save you time with getting Aida64 configured to the same way you had your Everest editions configured. Step 1: Install the latest Aida64 software and register your product. (If you want to convert your everest license to aida64 license, please read the steps here: Free-upgrade to aida64 ) Step 2: Copy everest.ini (and everest.sst.ini if you have customized SystemStabilityTest) and place them in your Aida64 installation folder. Step 3: Rename everest.ini to aida64.ini and also rename everest.sst.ini to aida64.sst.ini. (you may need to rename the original aida64.ini to aida64.bak before renaming the everest.ini files. Step 4: Launch aida64. Now all your old settings and preferences are in place for the new aida64 software. Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I hope this has helped you all. I look forward to helping fellow users again on this forum, as I did on the old forum.
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