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Everything posted by Garfunkel

  1. Me too, different every time, but most of them are "Sensor Panel" and "Alerting", also the "Check for updates". That's why I prefer to the customable menu
  2. I agreed to this topic… Just an idea, why try to make a customable system tray icon context, just lock the two items at the bottom "Show AIDA64" and "Exit"
  3. I have some tiny Idea… Is it possible to stop the monitoring when the computer is idle?
  4. If not… Why try to use .net4.5, you can set transparency key color of the form on that framework, that may give you opportunity to reshape sensor panel with some tricks … (so that it will not always in rectangular form) Also, why I cannot use forums.aida64.com well. Is your site busy or IE 10 just can't load the site properly. (I cannot use emotic icons, drop down buttons and when I'm posting, it doesn't redirect or refresh automatically) - Sorry for my English
  5. I'm just thinking a similar thing on WinSAT that uses DirectX, because Windows didn't show many things such as FPS. You can see it here "\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore\Graphics3D.Assessment I also saw there that we may select the resolution, total object and many things, and I believe that you can also add support for vertex count per object, texture size, anisotropic filtering level and anti-aliasing level. And If possible, allow user to change setting while test is active, also let the user stop and start the test just like the stability test.
  6. I don't think NDIS is causing this, I'm thinking of booth CPU driver and the new WDDM.
  7. I don't have PCIe installed, I'm using the integrated one
  8. The second is the overclocked one in windows 7… The third is also over clocked but In windows 8 and in 13x multiplier The first is the default, I tried to overclock it and It does (it increased performance image 2) still using windows 7 Then I installed windows 8 and increase the CPU multiplier by one step (it decreased L2 Cache performance a lot)
  9. I think those info are in the attachment. The last one is just a copy of first (Don't know why I only uploaded three pictures). The first is the default in the win 7 The second is from windows 7 And the third is from windows 8
  10. L2 Cache Benchmark results in windows 7 " sp2" is highly different to windows 8 "Consumer Preview"
  11. Hello, Just Sharing
  12. Uhmm sory for my post… Thanks…
  13. Sorry I forgot to put there… I was talking about the System Memory subtest
  14. My sudgestion: A button for setting the current setting as the default values in the modify item window. Bug or glitch: (don't know what to call) I cannot edit Graph Effect defaults, its not included in "Edit Defaults" form in sensor pannel But I really love it, it's awesome, it reduced lot of gadgets on my desktop
  15. I got some tiny idea… but might change a lot on your codes Just like nvidia control panel… Seperate the ".exe" for System tray and Main window The ".exe" for System tray will show modal forms, it will also launch the ".exe" for main window with admin rights (Startup Application) The ".exe" for main window won't ask for admin rights, only the exe for system tray(If it is launched without the ".exe" for System tray running, it will launch the ".exe" for system tray, else display the main window using the ".exe" for system tray);(Also this is the one will be launched in the Windows Control Panel and Windows Shortcuts; so that it will not ask for admin right when it is already running) Hope it helps and explained clearly Still studying in college…I used this trick before, on my quizes…
  16. while the alert window is open sensor panel is not updating… sorry if it's not clearly explained, english is not my native language…
  17. One more As I can see stressing system memory, only stresses the memory of the CPU What if I wan't to stress the RAM?
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