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Everything posted by xixou

  1. Hello, I cannot find where the preference file of aida64 is located. I would like to just pick back my lcd settings after re-installing windows. Could you help me ?
  2. Is this the update ? PowerAdjust 2, PowerAdjust 3 sensor devices support
  3. I'm talking about the thottling that is supported on new cpu/chipset, that controls not only the max temp but also the max power, the max current. This is all controllable in the bios of x99 platforms. See below a screenshot of the intel extreme tuning utility that shows them being triggered by OCCT heavy test.
  4. Hi, the CPU throtling is not working on x99/5930k cpu. The intel extreme tuning tool is reporting well the throttling's (power/current/thermal).
  5. Hi, Could add this feature to AIDA64: Pool for the presence of the samsung lcd every minute or so when it was not detected before. I'm asking that because right now when I start windows, aida64 auo starts, but If I forgot to power the lcd before, it will never display anything, I have to close aida64 and re start it again. Edit: Thanks for the last beta, I can see a correct cpu package temperature now, on the x99 5930k.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2koHhucIlg&feature=youtu.be
  7. Thanks for the quick fix, so cool !
  8. I only got one glitch in 3 hours, pretty cool ! (using 50% descent quality).
  9. Cool using it now ! Compression level works. Will see if glitches are gone.
  10. Top cool ! Thanks !
  11. Ok I found the problem, the corruption occurs when the data picture exceeds 262KBytes. Can you propose to the user in aida64 to set the jpeg compression level to avoid this situation ? This depends of the picture that has to be drawned (type of graph/colors and so on). The problem is not due to the time to send the picture (188 ms for 327 KBytes, wich is way below 5000 ms)
  12. Ok I see that you are using the bulk transfer, with 512 bytes. The pc sends 512 bytes every micro frame (that's every 125 us in high speed mode). The samsung photo frame cannot accept more data, it pings the rest till the next uframe. Sometime it is able to accpet two packets per uframe. see below: I will now try to see what happens when there is lcd corruption.
  13. I still got glitches. What is the normal expected usb traffic with your drivers ?
  14. Ok I have installed your libusb driver v1.2.6.0 . So far no glitch, let's see further in time.
  15. Oh, is it the source of the problem ? Where can I find your Samsung SPF drivers based on LibUSB (I use win 8.1 64 bits)?
  16. I will bring the usb analyzer from work to check if packets get corrupted when this occurs. Are the packets send at constant rate using iso, or are you using bulk/interrupt ?
  17. I'm now wondering if this is not occuring more often when the lcd get's warmer. next time it gets warm I'll put the big fan on it and see if corruption goes away^^
  18. Apparently not: http://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/aida64-beta-downloads.132926/page-14
  19. Is the new beta 5.00.33454 build 09-02-2015 supposed to have an impact on the lcd ?
  20. Also, it would be great if you can do an averaging of the gpu usage. Currently the gpu usage toggle too much between 0 and 100% in game.
  21. Almost no corruption under win 8.1 (aida64 stress test) desktop: http://youtu.be/E7jxqYbmMvs Most corrupted under BF4 in game: http://youtu.be/IaRnYAlpAgg I use this version:
  22. It looks like the problem occurs much more often when multiple "graph item type" are used. I only use one for the moment. Most of the time the corruption is at the bottom of the screen.
  23. It is glitchy on one frame every x frames. Looks a bit random. At certain point aida64 crashes and the screen is froozen. Have to kill the aida64 process and restart aida64. Will do a video for the glitches.
  24. spf 83h on win 8.1. works fine but sometime glitchy (bad gfx update on screen, corrupted display, especially at the bottom).
  25. edit: na
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