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Everything posted by xixou

  1. HWMonSPLCDRandomImg is not present in my config file, I added it after the present HWMonSPLCDJPEGQual=99 HWMonSPLCDJPEGQual=99 HWMonSPLCDRandomImg=1 Doing this change in the ini does not add random pictures on my lcd. I'm sure the ini is modified because I added the write access to it and can reload it being modified with my changes. Wait i have latest stable and not beta. I have to figure out where to get latest beta again. Ok got it. Screen jpg is only dumped on lcd at about 33%. No picture present on windows 10 desktop (I use fixed black background by default). Here is the LCD photo:
  2. Hi, Where is the device to the JPEG file size limiter module ?
  3. I just moved to windows 10, the samsung lcd freezes more often than under windows 8.1. Compression is set to 70%.
  4. Still not yet ? ^^
  5. so far so good.
  6. So far so good. Is going south an american expression ?
  7. south or north ?
  8. Ok I will do that ;-) This afternoon cold boot was ok ;-) ------[ LibUsb0 Devices ]------ Device Description : \\.\libusb0-0001--0x04e8-0x200d Device ID : 04E8-200D Device Number : 1 Device Class : FF / 00 Device Protocol : 00 Manufacturer : SAMSUNG Product : SAMSUNG Digital Photo Frame Serial Number : MP612B Supported USB Version : 2.00
  9. ops, strange this Morning when starting windows 8.1, aida64 loaded but lcd stays empty. Could it be that the new feature is breaking the first cold start (lcd on and aida64 being loaded) ? I power cycle the screen and then that was ok of course.
  10. Excellent, this works like a charm !
  11. You could add the option for the user to decide to enable the pooling or not ? You could also only pool like once every minute. Or you could only do the pooling for 5 minutes then stop.
  12. Good that you took my request into account ^^
  13. I re installed the usb drivers and changed the lcd Samsung frame onto another usb port (without a hub in between). That seems all right so far (using latest beta).
  14. I think G-sync is breaking the samsung lcd frame support.
  15. mm it still froze later on. Restqrting aida64 was not helping, I had to alos powercycle the samsung frame.
  16. Thanks, the usb keep alive commands keeps the lcd alive ! Thanks, please enable by default that option on future aida64 releases !
  17. ok lets's see. I noticed you gave the link to download the driver in the gui, good ;-)
  18. The LCD still freezes ;-(
  19. TY, will try it now: options is grayed out
  20. It also crashed with aero disabled. Please change back the lcd code that was ok 3 previous betas.
  21. About Spzljeni comment, I would suggest to add a link in the lcd preferences of aida64 to download the libusb drivers. I use libusb drivers, not Samsung. Model is BT08PS. I'm the one that was asking your the JPG compression level ;-)
  22. Hi, I disabled aero on win8.1 (set to max paerformance) , and lcd keeps working. Seems to be a problem with aero. Is that the g-sync or lcd font shaping ?
  23. I think I will reverse back to an old version. Could you reverse to the old code aida64 team ?
  24. Hi, since last two updates, my Samsung frame stops responding after few minutes. It was working fine for months before.
  25. Thank You !!
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