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Everything posted by xixou

  1. Maybe a recent windows 10 update or maybe because i enabled hyperthreading in the bios?
  2. I received the 5.92.4321 beta and the test is now running fine. Thanks for the fix.
  3. Interesting. Where is the 8 sec delay located in the registry?
  4. system stability test: cpu load failing. I can see it at the AC wall power meter, CPU loading is not really working. GUI is un-responsive. When I test with OCCT this is working fine. could be related to windows 10 64 bits CU provisioning update.
  5. It is working fine with latest nvidia drivers 384.80 and win 10.
  6. GPUz has the same issue, I guess this is a problem with nvidia ..
  7. Sometime the prefcap is absent from the sensorpanel, even when enabling gpuwakeup in stability options. When I restart aida64 this is the same. But I do see the perfcap sensors in the sensorpanelmanager. I guess they don't appear if utilization/reliablity voltage/power limit is not reached. Maybe you could keep the sensor present on the panel even if there is no limit reason?
  8. Thanks Fiery, it works great !
  9. Difficult to add in the sensor panel?
  10. ?
  11. When will the next beta include them in the sensor panel ? ^^
  12. Waw , that is working great !! http://users.skynet.be/xixou/aida64_sensor_ok_1.png http://users.skynet.be/xixou/aida64_sensor_ok_2.png
  13. Hello, Gpuz sensor has a nice feature to indicates what limits the frequency of the gpu. Would it be possible to add that sensor item in aida64 (for thesensor panel)?
  14. Latest windows 10 update, using two screens (aida64 sensor panel is on second screen), exemple below: Edit: I tried to film the problem but it is not occurring anymore Today ^^
  15. Hello, When the sensor panel is enabled and the preference is set to keep the windows upfront (always on top), then when i do a right click mouse bouton on windows 10 desktop to do something, the menu disapears when aida64 refresh the sensorpanel. The problem was not seen before, it has probably been introduced recently.
  16. Of couse ineed, any DVI-D lcd screen connected on my third dedicated physx card should make it (If windows does not mess the multi screen in game! The beauty with that is that I can also add my solar control indications
  17. https://www.amazon.com/Pix-Star-Digital-FotoConnect-Providers-Android/dp/B0056HNTAU For example, do you think DLNA is difficult to implement ?
  18. What about wifi or bluetooth screens ?
  19. Hi Fiery, Is there any plan to support newer photo frames ? The Samsung freezes too often.
  20. Ok, it was working fine for me as I only have one page ;-)
  21. Great that works fine. would be good to add in the import windows the *.splcd.axlcd filter on top of the existing *.sensorpanel
  22. Is it possible to display the lcd graphs on a windows under windows instead of on the lcd ?
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