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Everything posted by joransrb

  1. hey, no "easy" way of doing that, sorry. Just "scaling" it takes some some work and i dont really have the time to do that. Thats weird, it was the max value you tried to edit? Which gauge is always at 100 and what number does it give you? Never had that issue
  2. Hey all, finally hade some spare time so here is a landscape version of my STARFIELD panel (1024x600) DOWNLOAD HERE
  3. that looks really cool, great work. I might have to get a 480x1920 display for this
  4. hey, thanks for the feedback and yes, i tried to do that, but the "core network" was the last part i did and the is no room to make the bar the same size as the others, soooo, yeah. i might make some tweaks in a revised version and your request is noted, i'll see hen i have some time available
  5. thanks, yeah, i might if i get time any time soon
  7. you cant really "animate" in the sense of using gifs etc using regular sensorpanel... you can kinda "fake" it using custom gauges or combine the sensorpanel with i.e rainmeter... or you can make an RSLCD in basically the same way as regular sensorpanel and view it in a browser windows or use the app published here on the forums for it. In rslcd panels you can use gifs for animations
  8. Shouting wont help... And all your questions are more technical imho than what this thread is about, sharing your sensorpanels, take your specific and technical questions to the correct side of the forums and you will prob get more answers...
  9. Hey all and happy new year New sensorpanel available for download and a couple of more in the works. DOWNLOAD HERE
  11. dont understand a word, but it is easy to follow Great work. personally, i have started to use adobe after effects for my custom gauges, way easier to animate masks, set keyframes and export individual frames etc. So my process these days are doing the overall design in photoshop then import the psd to after effects and do all animations there.
  12. A simple clean black / white panel for you all. You can download here
  13. hey, sorry to hear i will look into this and pm you a direct download link. will report back to the devs about the errors since it should have been fixed, and for future issues, please send a pm to not clutter up this thread more than necessary...
  14. that looks really cool, GG. Im looking to upgrade my case to the HYTE Y60 just to able to put a screen in like this:
  15. Hey all, new sensorpanel ready to download. DOWNLOAD HERE
  16. A simple and clean light panel. DOWNLOAD HERE
  17. New sensorpanel out Included 6 different "wallpapers" and you can easy change to your own background image / wallpaper replacing the first image in sensorpanel manager. DOWNLOAD HERE
  18. Hey, the issue is should be resolved now, it was our bot protection interfering with the downloads. If you have any more issues, you can send a pm.
  19. if you have any problems you can send me a PM
  20. great work you could fill up the cpu area with a third fan if you got
  21. i got it to, but it is resolved now... that said i don't think this thread is the right place discussing issues like that... if an issue occurs you can either use the contact form on the page or send me a PM here
  22. yeah it was a glitch in the matrix... its all working now
  23. multiple reasons... there is a size limit and a space limit here... there are more than 300+ pages of content so panels easily "disappear" in the void... +++
  24. you dont have to register to download. when you are on the item details page, look top right and there is a blue download button: this will download the file as for the registration error i gotta look into that, since it is working for other people. on what field do you get the error ? could you send me a PM ? thanks for the heads up.
  25. that would be a false postitive yes... the zip you download contains the .sensorpanel file the fonts and some png's here is a virustotal result of the download: VirusTotal - File - 90adc91c232428dd73d978ceaeab749fd822b95e0584b6acf79c206275bd2c66
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