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Everything posted by joransrb

  1. aaaa, thats cool
  2. if you use web-view / remote sensor you can use animated gifs. to setup a web-panel, go to aida64 preferences, the go to LCD and enable remote sensor. open a browser window and enter your local ip with the port that is assigned to view. the you can customize under lcd items to add data etc
  3. awesome, thanks
  4. awesome could you share your sensorpanel file ?
  5. sure, attaching the bg only here, but it should be imported with the sensors file.
  6. Here is my CP2077 panel Inspiration taken from all over. main graphic from here: https://www.valencygraphics.com/cyberpunk-2077 1024x600 res. CPv6.sensorpanel font.zip
  7. looks awesome, care to share the icons you use ?
  8. i just tried it, and it imported fine, but there are some issues with text color that changed to a different color, changing it does not update on the screen / webview, tried clearing cache etc... gotta take a closer look later tho, but might try and do a full webview panel to see how it works out
  9. cool, i might check it out. didnt know you could import the .sensorpanel file which makes things a bit easier
  10. hey, got an issue when importing a sensorpanel file, the sensorpanel size changes to 1600x1001 for some strange reason, and all elements etc are messed up. is there a setting or something somewhere ? when i change the size to what its supposed to be it changes the size of the panel, but all the elements are still messed up. any suggestions ? nvm, figured it out, had to do with scaling in windows
  11. aaaa, that explains it, im not too interested in using a web window tho / remote sensor option. and since the "regular" sensor panels dont support animated gif i was thinking you had found a way to "cheat" the system your screen is looking cool tho, keep it up.
  12. hey @frozenboy, im trying to add some animations to my panel, but im not smart enough to make it work, could you share a quick how-to do it ? i know how to make gauges etc, but im just wondering how to make them loop as on your screen. cheers
  13. Here is a little something im working on, heavily CP inspired. still need to figure out how to do the left side and what info i want there etc, ill share it here once im done with it
  14. I love it, great work I made some small tweaks to make it fit my 1024x600 7". All creds to @Exhumed for creating this Cyberpunk-1024.sensorpanel
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