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1 PC Tip a day

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1 PC Tip a day last won the day on September 24 2024

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  1. Yep, that's what I meant with "virtually". My CPU or GPU don't go below 25 ºC and above 85 ºC, but I made a 100 state gauge for a range of 0-100.
  2. In my opinion, "100 state" gauges are only worth it when you want to represent values that virtually can go from 0 to 100. For example, temperature, % usage and son on. Trying to represent 1 MHz with a single .png file should crash Aida64.
  3. The process of making a sensor panel involves testing and sketching for hours. But man, it is beautiful! Feel free to download the attached gauges. Thanks to @Surjeet and @Mask Blue for the 9th September 2023 explanation on how to make and use 100 state gauges. ** DISCLAIMER: the design is MINE and MUST NOT be copied. The gauges are free to use for personal purposes ONLY. Making any profit from them is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. ** Big 120º.zip Big 180º.zip Fans.zip Small.zip
  4. Hi beloved community! Inspired by the scandinavian style, I have designed a minimalist sensor panel for 7.9 inch displays (400 x 1280 px). I'm still working on the ASMR (Aesthetics | Symmetry | Minimalism | Round) project, but I want to share with you all a preview of it. It uses six different 100 state gauges which I will share, and a histogram for FPS monitoring following those beatiful @ThatManOnTheMoon's ones. Like and quote if you want me to share the final template!! Specially thanks also to @philipfreire and @Viperr for the inspiration.
  5. Hi! Sorry about the enormous delay on my response. I've been out with AIDA64 these months. But luckily it is pretty straightforward of you download my V1 files and apply the new background on them :). I'm working on a new 400 x 1280 panel as well. Inspired by some, simple, clean and very aesthetic too. Stay tuned!
  6. Hi! After updating to W11 from W10, I'm not being able to see VRAM usage. Is there anything I'm missing?
  7. Check my profile. I have already shared it multiple times
  8. Give this man what he deserves!! Awesome work, mate!
  9. You're welcome
  10. 2 for with, no doubts.
  11. Search for it. There are thousands posted.
  12. @Dann0, keep calm my friend. Just have to search 2 min in the forum...
  13. Please fell free to view the posts i've made in my profile, since I have already share all the files and also some modifications to the original. Thanks!!!
  14. The second one is GOAT
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