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Everything posted by Wondersquid

  1. @WeakLaugh This solution seems to work somewhat. It works between boots but if you change the panel you are using AIDA64 needs to be restarted. The panel assets are in the right place but now the panel is scanned to the main display so when moved to secondary it will not fit. When you restart AIDA64 and move the panel it is the correct size. But thank you for this it is certainly a huge help.
  2. I like that panel please give credit where it is due
  3. I've had a lot of people asking for this one so here it is Enjoy. 117150872_TheExpanse.sensorpanel
  4. It's been a minute since I posted here. I am still around if anyone care LOL Thought I'd share a panel like the good Ol' days. LCARS.sensorpanel
  5. I really enjoyed sharing my work here now I just don't know if I should. I found some of my work for sale and it made me sad and than a little angry.
  6. It's more about greed taking over where once we all shared but you could phrase it that way. Ever se the film "The Gods must be crazy"?
  7. It used to not be that way now you see why socialism never works.
  8. When you say "page" you mean settings? I think this is not a bug its a matter of incompatibility between CAN and AIDA64.
  9. Nice work!
  10. I remember the old days when people wanted to be part of a community. This is indeed a sad day.
  11. Agreed, this should not be a paid site unless someone contracts you for custom work.
  12. I would be happy with transparent backgrounds. You can use wallpaper engine for animations. https://photos.app.goo.gl/p1ZXoJcRgEs7w7vEA Check an example in the link of what can be done.
  13. Glad I could help.
  14. You have to get Wallpaper Engine from Steam. Find or create an animated wallpaper that you like then create a panel that compliments the wallpaper. Lastly set the sensor panel to a degree of transparency that allows you to see both the a wall paper and sensor elements. Unfortunately AIDA64 does not allow you to use a transparent back ground (I've posted as others have and it dates back 12 years so we will most likely never see this feature) so you have to set the entire panel to transparent. I find about 40% transparency works for most.
  15. Another animation example using wall paper engine http://youtube.com/shorts/JLwbq8MOMus?feature=share
  16. There are a few old folks here
  17. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipO2_k5KfF2oTi7nkOJ74AW49wOHv-GlUOIrvW2J Playing around with some animations view link to check it out.
  18. Here you go https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B2xTsjR2b4wZbrzF3kKmffog8-AeTJgB/view?usp=sharing
  19. I remade the remake by @Lobo Blanco 1002the original I think was @frozenboyplease correct me if I'm wrong. This is 600x1024 I had so many people wanting a resize well here it is free of charge please use responsibly LOL
  20. That's beautiful
  21. Does the resolution in the second monitor read 800x480? if so then it should fit. You can chek the panel size in AIDA64 preferences to see if the panel is correct.
  22. I like your ideas. I'd love to have the 3rd and last one for myself.
  23. Glad you like it.
  24. The red version since my daughter changed her mind. She insisted I share with the community. It is 600x1024 Red_Skull_Gears.7z
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