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Everything posted by Wondersquid

  1. I like the "Defcon" gauge concept.
  2. There are many on this forum. I don't know how well you know your way around ADIA64 but any panel you import will store the assests in C:/Program Files (x86)/FinalWire/AIDA64 Extreme/Sensorpanel So download panels with dials you like import them and the dials will be in the folder. Have fun!
  3. I don't know exactly when it started but I am unable to remove or manager my attachments. I keep getting this message "You have used all of the attachment space you are allowed. Manage Attachments to free up space" and I get no options to manage said attachments.
  4. I did a Brotherhood of Steel panel see it here and you can download here enjoy! Fonts included in the zip file
  5. To save time transparent background is it possible? I see posts that are 10 years old that say "Working on it" with animated wallpapers being very usable it would be great with lack of .Gif support.
  6. Thank you that is fairly simple and straightforward. My favorite kind of guide.
  7. I have tried to figure this out with no luck I wish there was a tutorial on this so far I have not found one.
  8. There is one here about mid page. The author is Muhammad Afham Kadir
  9. download I removed the black download should anyone want them. All credit to @MoonCatfor the work and great user name LOL.
  10. They said they were working on it 9 years ago. Check out this video
  11. I think what you are asking is not possible there is a post from 9 years ago that they were "working on it" if you set transparency it affects everything not just the wallpapers. This would be a great feature so you could use a wallpaper engine behind your readings
  12. I was just covering my bases you never know with peoples sensibilities these days
  13. I modified this one to use a wallpaper I'd been working on but didn't know how to lay it out. I saw this and it finished my vision Thanks and credit to @Alpharius68 and @Pneuma22 Word of warning some may consider offensive as the art does have partial nudity it is a watercolor art piece not pornography I don't see where I might be in violation of rules but 18+ please just to cover that. You can see it here and download
  14. I lost a dear friend far to young leaving 2 young children behind. I made a panel as a dedication to his memory here If anyone would care to download it Download
  15. Not at all please do
  16. If you input that resolution in the search bar in the upper right it will bring them up.
  17. I did a Fallout Brotherhood Of Steele variant based on @Alpharius68 panel you can see here Download with font here I've run out of room here and cannot seem to delete older files for some reason. All credit to @Alpharius68 enjoy!
  18. Check out This one on Amazon its screen and board less money and NOT Aliexpress LOL
  19. I sent one but realized maybe other would want a copy so https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H7OJV56Z_OF5c5d5vRbF_ZUX8f74LRbf/view?usp=sharing That one have the blue dot over the "I" https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HubXKgfOg4n3P0U44y-iiyKfBjxPdAu8/view?usp=sharing that one is all white it's big so anyone can resize to their likeing
  20. I like theme panels I have several so I can change my theme from time to time.
  21. I did a revision of @Slinter051 great panel with a Fallout 4 "The Institute" logo (for those who don't want the ROG logo see photo here I give all credit to Slinter051 you can download here The Institute logo can be easily removed and replaced with in=mage of your choice. If you have an AIO with a screen (Coraire has one now) here if a GIF to go with the panel.
  22. Someone will have to make one I checked there are not any that size for download currently
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