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Everything posted by FuryXL

  1. Nice wallpaper, would you mind sharing it plz?
  2. Hi, it's awesome! Would you mind sharing it?
  3. Looks nice, would you share it please?
  4. waow, would you share it please? I'm so curious of how it's made
  5. It's using transparency and any program with live wallpapers. I have the same thing for mine. I use wallpaper engine on steam
  6. Hey, it seems great! I love the gauges. Can you upload them please?
  7. Hey, how did you get the gif to work on the panel please?
  8. Hi, how did you get transparency please?
  9. Hi, test this one 133645603_furynopanel2560x1600_sensorpanel.4394af275c373bd5545d47afe5afaf8a
  10. Waow, a new design <3 I am making atm a custom gauge, got to find how to create the 15 derivations of my base
  11. A little panel modified for a user of this forum. 800x480 it is still a WIP
  12. bars.rar Here you go on my res
  13. Hi MrMike, do you have the template of this screen plz? I searched a little bit and didn't find it
  14. Hi, I think that you're talking of my panel. This is high res because I got a 10" 2560x1600px. Well, if you want me to do something on them, just mp me
  15. Could you share again please? Links have disappeared
  16. Here you go FuryNoPanel.sensorpanel
  17. Hi, is it possible to add a gauge that is increasing on every refresh rate of the osd so that we could create dynamic content?
  18. Hi, could you be a little bit more explicit please? I understand the idea, but not the implementation. Thank you
  19. Look in the thread "share your panel" maybe
  20. FuryNoPanel.sensorpanel
  21. Thanks to many users, I created my own sensorpanel : Thanks to all of you who helped me
  22. Nice one! Does any of you successfully got sensorpanel to work with gif? I know that remotesensor can use them, but it can't use custom gauge.
  23. With cpus getting 16 or more core, it should maybe be a feature now, no? Maybe the user could check a mark in config to enable something like this. It's probably one of the last lack of Aida64 imo. Maybe you could propose a tick option, to allow this to be possible warning users that it is more ressource consuming. Would it be possible?
  24. Waow, this is giving me ideas, thanks mate!
  25. Looks promising! I tried on a clean sensorpanel folder and did the same. Well, I've got all the element, might just gotta assemble them :p
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