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Robert Ekkel

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Robert Ekkel last won the day on June 30 2021

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  1. Finally done with my sensor panel, went for a purple theme and i'm pretty satisfied with the outcome
  2. I am unable to manually adjust gauges tho, do you know why this is happening?
  3. When i replace the background image with a 1920x1200 image i get the size of the original background.. #edit: never mind, after checking the details of the downloaded pictures they are not true 1920x1200 pixels, although they are advertised that way.. Thank you for the help
  4. Same problem here, feel like 1920x1200 is a super rare size or something.. Been checking for months but there are zero 1920x1200 ones out there
  5. I like the simple design, can you share please?
  6. I have a 1920 x 1200 panel. Not a huge difference. Any chance you could resize it to that format for me?
  7. Wtf this is crazy.. Can you share it?
  8. Is this 1920 x 1200? Could you share it if so?
  9. Awesome dude, let me know if you do!
  10. This looks absolutely fantastic! Any chance you can make this a 1920 x 1200?
  11. Can i display this in 1920 x 1200 or could you make one for me? I think this panel is perfect!!
  12. Any 1920 x 1200 designs out there? I've searched trough every page but i didn't find one..
  13. No problem mate, take your time! Looking forward to the 1920x1200 one!
  14. Can you make a 1920x1200 please? I've been trying to convert all of the ones you posted, but it always ends up to small
  15. How do i remove the ASUS ROG logo? I've checked every part but i can't seem to find the imagine and adjust it.
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