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Everything posted by ThatManOnTheMoon

  1. Nice work
  2. Just a heads up. My request to increase the max values of 'Graph Step' and 'Graph Thickness' for 'Line/Area Graphs' and 'Histograms' was fulfilled in the latest Aida64 beta version 6.70.6026. The max value has been increased from 10 to 20 for both values. More options to play around with. Basically can have wider data bars and/or more negative space between data points.
  3. Nice job. Looking good
  4. Some damn nice panels you got there
  5. If possible it would be great to be able to increase the max values of 'Graph Step' and 'Graph Thickness' above 10 (current limit). The limit of 10 suffices for lower-resolution sensorpanels, however with higher resolutions the max limit of 10 displays very-small graph-bars and negative-spacing. By increasing the limit there will be a lot of more display options available for aida64 users who use higher resolution displays. For example, I made a sensor panel in 1200x1920, the graphs look perfectly-sized for the resolution. However when I upscaled to 1600x2560, the bars of the graph are very small and closely spaced, even at the max value of 10 (for graph thickness and step). Thanks for reading and possibly considering.
  6. They want a transparent background itself, not just having the ability to adjust the transparency of the whole sensorpanel (background and sensors/data).
  7. Not a bad idea. Thought of fully switching over from aida64 actually.
  8. Wanted to show some media info. Messed with 'Wallpaper Engine' to make the sensorpanel "appear" audio responsive. cwWXEq6.mp4
  9. Nothing really new, just looking for opinions. Regarding the logos and sub-title, do you prefer the version with or without the separator-line. or
  10. Nice, like it a lot.
  11. Thanks, nice to know.
  12. Just an AMOLED/low-light version of my old 'Material Design Big Bars' panel rescaled to 1600x2560. Found my 'Dashboard' panel's font-size a bit hard to see at times. Switched to a font that looks less techy. Not sure how I like how the 'Data' card looks so far with the drives. Any advice/tips let me know. 2022-04-28 02-35-14.mp4 Links to the old panels:
  13. Material Design Dashboard (AMOLED ver.) 1600x2560 An AMOLED/low-light version of my 'Dashboard' panel. There are multiple colorways. Works alright with some transparency and a 'Wallpaper Engine' background. I don't have time to resize to other resolutions, but feel free to modify it to your needs. A shoutout would be cool. w/ 'Wallpaper Engine' and some transparency MD Dashboard (AMOLED) - Teal.mp4 I use the above sensorpanel with this RGB profile (not my build or work): MD Dashboard (AMOLED) - Greyscale.mp4 More Pictures: Notes: Min and max values for CPU, GPU, and VRAM temps are just labels. The drive count is a label. There's a transparent gradient layer on top of the histograms. So if one is going resize/modify the panel they'll have to make their own or delete it. All backgrounds are black, the screenshots of dynamic backgrounds are from 'Wallpaper Engine' with Aida64 at 30-40% transparency. Please do not expect this download link to have sensorpanels with dynamic backgrounds. Side Notes: I wanted to make more colorways for this sensorpanel series, but I've actually stopped using it myself. Also, I stopped working on the non-AMOLED version(s) of this sensorpanel. See my profile if you're interested in how it looked. Material Design Dashboard (AMOLED ver.) 1600x2560.zip
  14. Yeah no luck for me either. Maybe one day.
  15. Test 123. Wondering if this public-feed thing sends notifications to the people following me. Let me know. My apologies for the disruption.

  16. I have seen and replied to your PM.
  17. Thanks again. I'll probably give it a try when I find time, but don't hold your breath. I still haven't uploaded the non-AMOLED 'Material Design Dashboard' 1600x2560 panel. Thinking I gotta swap the line/area graphs for histograms across the board. Probably add the transparency gradients on the graphs on the AMOLED version on the OG version. Unfortunately I've only made 'Material Design Big Bars' in 1200x1920. Thanks. Yeah larger panels give you a lotta options to play with. I regret not going with a 14" panel over my current 10.1" Probably be an impulse buy one of these days. I made the original 'Material Design Phone' 1200x1920, but some people did convert it from vertical to horizontal. Nice work you did there. I wanted to comeback to this one and make an updated version.
  18. A low-light/AMOLED version of my 'Dashboard' panel. From my OG ver., I found that multiple layers of area/line graphs adds some latency. Histograms don't seem to have that issue. Still messing with transparency gradients for the histograms. Panel works pretty good with a bit of transparency and 'Wallpaper Engine' w/ some transparency and 'Wallpaper Engine'. Too lazy to make a gif, but the background colors and image are constantly changing/moving
  19. Try the other available network sensor-items (e.g. 'NIC1 Download/Upload Rate', 'NIC2... Rate', 'NIC3... Rate', etc) till you find the right one.
  20. Yes I'm going to upload the 'Material Design Dashboard - Dark Mode 1600x2560' panel. Just busy procrastinating.

  21. Thanks for that. It's a small thing but it's always nice. Yeah i'm going to, i'm just being slow AF with this stuff.
  22. It's a horizontal version of my older 'Big Bars Simplifed' panel from more than half a year ago (based on the grey and cards/tiles I made in MS paint). I don't remember who it was. I remember seeing a horizontal version before, not sure if that person gave me a shout-out either. I finished my updated 'Dashboard' version w/ the multiple colorways, just need to take screen shots of the diff colors. yovAZn1.mp4
  23. That's a really clean design. Nice work there.
  24. Probably be a minute. Think i'm not gonna use it for anything useful. Had an idea to use it for a clock based on the SpaceX launch timeline (if you could use it for a clock) from the livestreams.
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