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Everything posted by ThatManOnTheMoon

  1. Woah, now I'll make gauges. Clever
  2. Percentage of space used. np Thanks The corners of the tiles/cards (CPU, GPU, VRAM, RAM, etc) are rounded, rather than a sharp corner. For example, Windows 10's windows have sharp corners, while Windows 11's windows have rounded corners. It's just a preference thing. Windows 11 and the newer android updates have been going towards rounded corners. Gonna release it after some minor changes, but the holidays are here. So sometime in the future.
  3. It's drive utilization I believe
  4. Wanted to share this already, but I keep finding things to change. You guys prefer the panel with or without the last tile. Wanted more negative space between the tiles/cards (24px to 40px).
  5. Thanks. I plan to share it after I finish making different colorways. Think I'm almost done, keep getting sidetracked. Thanks. You as well, the superimposed graphs you did previously were cool. Made me wanna mess with graphs. Thanks, but real credits to the creator of the wallpaper engine music visualizer I used. It lets one make some crazy-looking stuff.
  6. You guys prefer sharp corners or rounded corners? heh 420 Added drop shadows to the background on this iteration. Previous ones were just flat.
  7. Nice, I like how it's coming together Maybe some more negative space (or use tiles/cards, borders, outlines. Etc) between the different hardware sections? The text on the top bar is kinda hard to see where the gradient strongly shifts from blue to orange. Probably look weird to have a different color text for that spot though.
  8. I'll probably share it sometime in the future... I accidently overwritten the red colorway with a gold one. If I do share it, it will be after I finish all the colorways with the dark background. I plan to do a light background version with multiple colorways as well. I think I'm going to have to make changes to the graphs or make a lightweight version. They do use quite a bit more resources, which is fine, but probably not something one would want when playing games or doing something resource intensive.
  9. Probably do a light theme version eventually Thanks. Lotta drives indeed. Got plex, AI upscaling, and seeding going on. Thanks again. Looks like you got it down. Looking forward to people making some cool stuff.
  10. Thanks, appreciate it. Basically there are 4 line graphs and 2 area graphs. 3 line graphs of different shades of red are stacked on top of each other to create a gradient. There is 1 dark-grey line-graph below the red line to create a drop shadow. The 2 area-graphs below the red line give the 2 shades of grey. The darker-grey area graph has a lower height. The drop shadow of the red line covers the bright line of the lighter-grey area-graph (area graph has a line with a darker shade of color below it). Got to play with the height so the line graph(s) doesn't clash with darker area-graph. I haven't really tested how much resources it uses. Still playing around with it. Like how it looks though.
  11. I too would love to see this feature
  12. I like it. Good job. Really like that all the brand logos follow the color scheme. You mind sharing the full size background? Looks to be a good wallpaper as well.
  13. Thanks, it works perfectly for the areas mentioned in the release notes. If it's not too much to ask for, would it be possible for you to add the ability to display Drive, used and free space in terabytes (TB) as well? No worries if you can't, pretty sure you got a lot on your to do list. Thanks once again.
  14. I knows it's very limited, but you could use the OSD panel for a few values. Yeah, like others of stated the transparency on the sensor panel affects everything. Still can look decent though. 505218348_MDMiniMediaSD.mp4
  15. It would be nice to have the option display storage data in terabytes (TB). We have the option to show it in MB and GB currently. If there's a way to do it now, I couldn't find it. Thanks for reading/considering.
  16. Material Design Dashboard 1600x2560 Updated one of my previous panels and made a section for storage. Tried to make the graphs look a bit interesting. Probably make more colorways.
  17. Material Design Mini Media Been messing around with AIDA64 and some Wallpaper Engine music visualizers. I'm using one that let's whatever wallpaper you want be audio responsive. Usually have a slideshow going on. It can look pretty crazy when I set my PC case lighting to be audio responsive too. Started out wanting to make it look like a phone widget, but ended up as a toolbar-looking thing. 505218348_MDMiniMediaSD.mp4
  18. Definitely one of the better ones i've seen. Good job.
  19. You quoted/asked the wrong person. I quoted the person that you want to request from.
  20. Material Design Big Bars Simplified (AMOLED) Nothing new, just modified my last sensor panel for dim-red room and case lighting at night. May upload later if I can make some decent colorways.
  21. It can be a lot... Just did a quick stress test with a 'Wallpaper Engine' audio visualizer on 4x 2K monitors (including sensorpanel) capped at 60fps on highest settings. GPU (RTX 3080) 40% use and 38% VRAM. CPU at 12%. RAM at 24% (32GB). Definitely not something to keep on.
  22. Looking good. Yeah wallpaper engine gives so many choices for nice/crazy aesthetics. Lately i've just been using Aida64 OSD Panel (rather than sensor panel) and 'Wallpaper Engine' audio-visualizers synced with my case lighting.
  23. It's a 10.1 2K IPS panel I grabbed off Amazon. It hasn't been restocked by the seller for months. Pretty sure one can probably find a similar one on amazon/aliexpress under a different brand or seller. https://www.amazon.com/EleDuino-Portable-Monitor-Resolution-Raspberry/dp/B07D5V4ZHZ/ref=sr_1_67?dchild=1&keywords=10+inch+monitor+ips&qid=1613063018&sr=8-67
  24. I never made any lower res versions. Unfortunately there is no easy way that I'm aware of to scale it down without having to manually adjust everything.
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