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Nom last won the day on March 28 2022

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  1. @ebi this monitor is not a USB device - it's a display. Like any other normal monitor. It will only work when it's sent a video signal over the USB input - this is how you can see it working on your phone. It's not going to work from your ASUS Motherboard because that board does not have a USB C video output. It only has an HDMI Port and a DisplayPort. You'll need to use one of these - https://www.amazon.com/WJESOG-DisplayPort-Adapter-Converter-Support/dp/B0BNX7MS6N/ - to convert your DisplayPort video output, into a USB C video output. See - https://dancharblog.wordpress.com/2020/05/10/bi-directional-usbc-dp-cables/ - for more information. Alternatively, you can buy a Graphics Card that has a USB C output, like this one - https://www.newegg.com/powercolor-radeon-rx-7900-xt-rx7900xt-20gb/p/N82E16814131813R
  2. @beada how do I register for the https://www.esky-sh.com/bbs/ forum ? I'm stuck here - how do I get a reg code ? @beada CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION For customers, Enter the code that you have been emailed: This question is a means of preventing automated form submissions by spambots.
  3. @Trevor68 that screen is destroyed, you won't be able to use it.
  4. Yep I use it, no issues with CPU usage - you can test it yourself, just get AIDA64 up and running with the dashboard you want, and see what the CPU does.
  5. Their store is here - https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_ssn=esky-sh&store_name=eskyshn - you can see shipping costs to your location (and if they'll ship there) when you add one to your cart
  6. There isn't much you can do about this - WebView2 is just the browser rendering engine. All browsers will use a bit of CPU time to render the RSLCD panel - it isn't going to use appreciably more or less via different viewing methods.
  7. That is exactly the BeadaPanel.
  8. Do you guys have a website ? Where is the firmware available ? Thanks !
  9. Generally you just pay the sales tax + the collection fee by the delivery company. You'll need to find out the information for your country. In the UK for example, it's 20% for VAT (sales tax) and another £10 or so in fees.
  10. If you buy it in Europe, the price will increase to already include the sales taxes. You either pay them yourself when you import the product, or the retailer passes the cost on to you when you buy the product. Either way, you're paying the taxes, they are not "extra".
  11. Is there some reason you aren't adding the actual files to any of your photos ? When you post a photo of your new panel, please upload the actual panel alongside the photo - that's the whole point of this thread...
  12. Check you have Display Scaling set to 100% For many high-res screens, Windows will default to 150% scaling...
  13. You can create an animation.ini file in the console folder - here's mine. I removed the pictures and video so I'm not sure what happens if you just replace them... Note the backlight = 0 down the bottom - this switches off the panel when the host PC is off. If you have more questions then lets go to https://forums.aida64.com/topic/8421-beada-and-standby/ instead of filling this thread ; ;Configuration file for BeadaPanel animation palying ; [alameda] type = clock width = 480 height = 1280 keep-aspect-ratio = true pattern = ball time-format = %c valignment = center font-desc = LCDMono2, 36 foreground-color = 0xffff0000 color = 0xffffffff ;[plano] ;type = album ;width = 480 ; ;height = 1280 ; ;keep-aspect-ratio = true ; ; ;location = album ; ;loop = true ;interval = 5 ; hardware configuration section [hardware] type = config backlight = 0 ;rotation = counterclockwise
  14. You can just configure the BeadaPanel to have a brightness of 0 when it's in screen saver mode. Config tool is here - https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArGfiTxjUGUl_SJ6Kq2Ta46Tkxlj?e=EQBdgh from
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