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Everything posted by Awol

  1. This is what ive done so far, need to have 2 dials in each larger area. Not sure what size to be honest.
  2. Hi Guys n Gals After a favour if possible. Im currently in the process of doing a black and chrome 1480*320 panel, however i do not have or have the ability to create a chrome ring/bezel with a transparent centre. Does anyone have an image knocking about that they are prepared to share with me. I will share the finished panel once completed. Awol
  3. Dont let the haters get to you. Ignore the twats they arent worth the effort.
  4. I dont see what the issue is. Ive said this many times already, there is no rule that states that panels cant be advertised for sale and that came from the forum moderator. The members that post panels for sale used to post for free but then inconsiderate twats would take their panels and post as their own with no mention to the original creators. I make my own panels but i have also purchased from @Exhumedand @pcrepairvk. The quality of their work far exceeds what i can do myself. If you look on the web you can see so many of the panels that have been posted for free up for sale by unscrupulous people that come on this forum. If the creators want to protect their work then so be it.
  5. If you wish to use gif files you will need to create an rslcd format panel
  6. I have the panel file for this somewhere, i posted it a while back as others were asking. 536444796_CustomNZXT1280x400.zip
  7. What do you have the resolution set to in aida64 ? My panel is 1480*320 so its set as the below image.
  8. Its obvious from the pic you have sent that your display is not set as the same as the sensor panel
  9. I stand corrected, i do apologise. May adjust and tinker with it to fit my waveshare 11.9inch panel. I did the same with one of the themely designs. If i do the same with yours would you have issue with me sharing it if as long as you are credited as the original author ? There aren't many 1480*320 panel files on here.
  10. Isnt that just a remake of of a themely panel? themely – themely
  11. Hi Mate I actually contacted the forum moderator about this as we had some individuals getting quite aggressive towards some of the members that do paid work. They advised that there is no issue with these members advertising panels for sale, there is nothing rule wise which states they cant. The majority of these members over the years have posted and shared numerous custom panels only to have others then post as their own and even sell on websites. I can understand why they no longer want to share the files. Some every so often will share a file or two, but i dont begrudge them posting images of their custom work as it gives me and probably others ideas for our own designs.
  12. I like it but i would rather it black and white but thats my preference
  13. When you go to your gauge select custom and add each of the above images from 0 - 15
  14. If you have selected GPU in fan speeds it shows in %, GPU in cooling fans will show RPM
  15. Right click aida64 - preferences - sensor panel It will open a default panel - right click on the panel and select sensor panel manager - click import and select a panel file
  16. Yup theres a few threads about it on here
  17. Hi mate* Having issues sending the panel files to you, issue at my end. Any hows here are some 1480*320 panel files for you to have a look at and adjust to your needs. 2022-12-22 Current.sensorpanel 538020780_2023-01-13V2.sensorpanel 1853865741_Panel2.sensorpanel Panel 3.sensorpanel 801855320_Panel4.sensorpanel ThemelyRetro.sensorpanel
  18. HI Mate I have the same panel. PM me and ill send some across that you can adjust to your needs.
  19. All panels ive done which use your gauges have you down as the original author.
  20. I have a full AMD rig and have no issues with system freezing. Im currently using version 6.75.6100 build date 18.07.2022. When i first started i was using an X570 mobo, Ryzen 5 5600X and RX6700 XT Gaming X, 32GB Ryzen optimized Corasiar Vengeance pro no issues experienced, now its still an X570 mobo, Ryzen 9 5950X and Sapphire Nitro+ RX6900 XT, 64GB Ryzen optimized Corsair Vengeance pro and still no issues.
  21. Hi operbico Thanks for the mention however these gauges were courtesy of @Exhumed, I just changed the panel they were in and changed the size.
  22. File attached for those that want it. ThemelyRetro.sensorpanel
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