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Everything posted by Awol

  1. If you use rslcd format panels its easier than you think. There's sites out there that will let you resize, crop or reverse gif images for free. Ive used ezgif quite a lot for this.
  2. 1480 * 320 based on the themely modern clean panel. Please feel free to adjust to your own requirement, panel is for personal use only not for resale. themely 1480 320.sensorpanel
  3. Work in progress 1480 320 sensor panel based on the themely designs
  4. You'll get NA if you are using the trial version of aida64
  5. I can help if needed send me a PM and we can take it from there.
  6. try pihut.com but i dont think you'll get an 11inch 1920 * 480. I have an 11.9inch display and thats 1480 * 320
  7. There's plenty of skins of that resolution within the forum. Just take a look and amend as required.
  8. For those that like RSLCD formats ive done the same panel 2022-10-14.rslcd
  9. I have messaged liao joey as he was the creator but if you have it that would be great. Want to convert it to a 1480*320 version.
  10. Not sure how the usb screen works, i have an 11.9inch IPS screen which is hdmi but there are plenty on here that will be able to provide you with the required information. I would have got a screen from pihut, they do 7inch screens which are hdmi around £56 onwards
  11. This is one of the coolest panels
  12. Go to share your sensor panels, they are all in there
  13. 1920 * 480 sensor panel, carbon fibre dials courtesy of Exhumed. Feel free to download and change as required. As with any panels i put up, not for resale only personal use. Carbon 10 10 22.sensorpanel
  14. 1920 * 480 panel. The dials are courtesy of exhumed. Feel free to download and change as required. 2022-10-06.sensorpanel
  15. go to sensor panel manager and you will see import/export. select export and you then get the save as option.
  16. If i remember correctly this was one of frozenboys creations. Send him a pm, it was shared at one point.
  17. I have a 1480 * 320 panel and i have my resolution settings in windows the same but i have selected different options in aida64
  18. Win 11 is monitoring over 60secs and giving highest reading. CPU load at 7%, if you look at aida64 the highest measurement is aprox 7%
  19. And your secondary display resolution is that set to the same as your screen size ?
  20. Whats the resolution of the screen and what resolution do you have aida64 set at ? I have a Waveshare 11.9 inch ips screen 1480*320 so have set aida64 settings the same.
  21. Doesnt matter i spoke to Fiery and that was the response
  22. There is no rule that says they cant advertise to sell panels. I asked the forum moderator about it and this was the reply "Unless those folks try to sell illegal copies/licenses for AIDA64 itself, I don't think we should or could do anything about their activities. "
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