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AIDA64 system stability test - blue screen after few minutes

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Hi. After few minutes aida64 system stability test, get bsod. According  WhoCrashed culprit is drivers - portcls.sys and cthda.sys. But I doubt it. What you think. Can aida64 cause blue screen? Is it possible? Thank you and sorry for my english.

The blue screen


It simply means your system is not stable.  You have to use more conservative overclocking settings (if your system is overclocked), or check out the components, because one of them may be failing.




My pc is not overclocked - i7 4771 can't overclock. Everything in bios is default, except two things - i disable integrated video and set manual voltage for memory - 1.524. Do you see the screenshot :)
The question is - can aida64 to be the reason? Some incompatibility with audio (portcls.sys and cthda.sys). Thank you.

p.p in event viewer 1 minute before bsod i seen ''Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: aida_bench64.dll''. According microsoft, this can cause BSOD http://blogs.technet.com/b/mikelag/archive/2010/09/04/detecting-low-virtual-memory-conditions-in-windows-2008.aspx . My OS is win 8.1 64bit, but...


Are you sure that voltage is enough for your memory modules?  Also, do you use default memory timings?  If you're using CR (Command Rate) of 1T, try to up it to 2T -- it helps in many cases to stabilize the system.


And I'm pretty sure the issue is not AIDA64.  If it was the culprit, then the BSoD would come up by just clicking through the pages of AIDA64, like Motherboard / Chipset, Computer / Summary, Computer / Sensor.


Please note that the AIDA64 System Stability Test is designed for exactly to reveal such issues that your system is having.  It puts such an enermous stress on the system that it can reveal instability easier -- and in many cases quicker -- than by using other tools.


My memory is this GPB316GB1866C9DC. Default xmp profile is 1.65. But i set manual 9-10-9-28 and voltage 1.524 in bios. According many sites, geil works on this voltages and timings. Perhaps voltage is low for this settings... i don't know. I will test and write later.
DURRING THE TEST, MEMORY IS FILLED ALMOST 100%(below on screensnot). Is this normal? My friend using business version and memory filled 25-30% from 4 gb. i'm using the last extreme edition.
How long have to run this test?

p.p Page file is 1024 mb. And during test windows warning 3 times :Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: aida_bench64.dll (716) consumed 15966842880 bytes. Perhaps this is may the problem...I'm confused



Older AIDA64 versions did not use all available physical memory, while the latest versions (v4.20 and v4.30) use it all up.  What you see is normal.


As for how long you should have the test running.  We generally recommend a few hours, since not many users have the patience to have it running for the ideal 24 hours.  In your case, if at 1.524V you got a BSoD in a few minutes, but at 1.65V it runs for an hour, that should be enough to assure the 1.65V setting is superior ;)


I set page file to automatic and warning message disappear 'Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: aida_bench64.dll''. I will test for 24 hours, First with 1.524 and if system crash, will test with 165 v. Thanks :)

can I using computer, during test or better do not?


It's best not to use the computer, but in rare cases using the computer could help to get to the system crash quicker :)

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