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Wait for a process to start up before Aida64 is started

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Hey there,


I've developed a script to make sure that Razer Synapse is running before Aida64 is started, this way Aida64 isn't killed when Razer Synapse starts up.


You could generally use it if you have a program that needs to be started before Aida64 should be started.

$StrRz = "rzsynapse"
$StrWD = "C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme\"
$StrAida = "C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme\aida64.exe"

Start-Sleep 10
# Is Razer Synapse Running?
#$bResult = Get-Process -name $StrRz -erroraction silentlycontinue
#echo $bResult

while (!(Get-Process -name $StrRz -erroraction silentlycontinue))
  Start-Sleep 3

# Enable Razer Synapse time to start up
Start-Sleep 5

# Start Aida64
Start-Process -FilePath $StrAida -WorkingDirectory $StrWD

Do you mean that if on your system AIDA64 starts up before Razer Synapse, then Synapse will kill the AIDA64 process when it starts up? Why would it do that? Or maybe it's a mixup inside Synapse, so the Razer DLL that AIDA64 uses would crash and it would pull AIDA64 main process with itself?

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