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AIDA64 +12V rail (ASRock P67 Professional)


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Hi , I have been a user of AIDA 64 since Lavalys. Its always reported my PSU voltages correctly, but I recently built a new AsRock Fatal1ty 1 Profession with a 2600K chip and a brand new Corsair 850AX PSU.It reports the 12V rail as 10.5, the BIOS is seeing 12V and it really scaring the crap out of me, I do not want to undervolt my system. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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Iiam running the May release. 1400 is the relase I am using. I will try the latest beta, thankyou.

In case it doesn't work as expected, then please copy-paste the full content of the Computer / Sensor page of AIDA64 into this topic. Also right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> ISA Sensor Dump, and copy-paste the full results into this topic.



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In case it doesn't work as expected, then please copy-paste the full content of the Computer / Sensor page of AIDA64 into this topic. Also right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> ISA Sensor Dump, and copy-paste the full results into this topic.



I really want to thank you for helping me, no it didnt work and I know its the software because I tested it with a Volt meter in one of the molex cables comming right out of the PSU, yes I know thats dangerous but I am 68 years old and having been building computers since the early 90s. I have depended on this software for a very long time and I understand with the new Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge coming there will be things that have to be changed, I will do as you say.

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