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fixed: AIDA64 Linux plugin cannot find lshw

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The linux plugin cannot seem to find lshw,  even though its installed.

[root@skynet tmp]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Fedora release 27 (Twenty Seven)
[root@skynet tmp]# lshw -version

the latest version is B.02.17
[root@skynet tmp]# ./aida64_x64
Cannot find 'lshw' command! Please install lshw package!
[root@skynet tmp]#

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This is NOT working


someone jimmyed that file ? cos it ain't opening  as tar or gz ? It looks like some kinda html file..

head -1  file
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=en-us dir=ltr ><head><base href=/ ><title>AIDA64 - 404 - The requested page cannot be found</title><meta name="og:locale" content="en" data-qmeta="og:locale"><meta name="og:url" content="/404" data-qmeta="og:url"><meta name="og:type" content="website" data-qmeta="og:type"><meta name="title" content="AIDA64 - 404 -

You folks are corp .pro's . This is far away from what we can expect . See below

linwip/aida64 # cd LinuxExtensionForAIDA64
aida64/LinuxExtensionForAIDA64 # ll
total 4864
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root     496 May  5 20:56 .
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root     496 May  6 00:39 ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  474952 Dec 31  2013 aida64_x64
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 2167216 Dec 31  2013 aida64_x64_static
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  461108 Dec 31  2013 aida64_x86
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1868692 Dec 31  2013 aida64_x86_static
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root     336 Dec 12  2013 lng
aida64/LinuxExtensionForAIDA64 # where is lshw
bash: where: command not found
aida64/LinuxExtensionForAIDA64 # whereis lshw
lshw: /usr/bin/lshw /usr/share/lshw /usr/share/man/man1/lshw.1.gz
aida64/LinuxExtensionForAIDA64 #
aida64/LinuxExtensionForAIDA64 # ./aida64_x64
Cannot find 'lshw' command! Please install lshw package!
aida64/LinuxExtensionForAIDA64 # ./aida64_x64_static
Cannot find 'lshw' command! Please install lshw package!
aida64/LinuxExtensionForAIDA64 # ,/aida64_x86
bash: ,/aida64_x86: No such file or directory
aida64/LinuxExtensionForAIDA64 # ./aida64_x86
ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk3-nocsd.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
./aida64_x86: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
aida64/LinuxExtensionForAIDA64 # ./aida64_x86_static
Cannot find 'lshw' command! Please install lshw package!
aida64/LinuxExtensionForAIDA64 #




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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
On 5/6/2022 at 2:11 AM, Mice007 said:

The link is not working, we have updated the websites since then. Sorry for the confusion.

Here is the actual link for the file: https://download.aida64.com/LinuxExtensionForAIDA64.tar.gz


I extracted the file and run the command "./aida64_x64". It says "Cannot find 'lshw' command! Please install the lshw package!

I'm on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and lshw is already installed. Please, help.

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  • 1 year later...
On 10/1/2022 at 10:44 AM, sloke123 said:

I extracted the file and run the command "./aida64_x64". It says "Cannot find 'lshw' command! Please install the lshw package!

I'm on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and lshw is already installed. Please, help.

Same shit. What's the prob?

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