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In need of aida64.dll and aida64.cfg(instead of everest.dll) Riva Tuner

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Hello Fiery, Happy to see you back here, jus came to know that everything have changed ;)

With everest there will be a dll called everest.dll in rivatuner folder which allows to monitor the system data. But now it has been changed to aida64.

So will we be getting a separate dll(aida64.dll) ??

Thank you


While we wait for Fiery to respond to your request...

I was wondering about this too.

I didn't post the question because I just assumed it had to be made by Unwinder.

And if that's the case, I doubt we'll ever see it at the rate RivaTuner development is (NOT) going.

Maybe Fiery will tell us I'm wrong ;)


Yes, Unwinder had stopped developing rivatuner, because he is busy with agterburnet, some evga tool etc etc... Eventhough he has said he will look into rivatuner by january next year, im sure there will be already a loads of todo list before this work.

But all he has to do is change the reference of "everest" to "aida64" in that dll. May be im wrong


We've contacted Unwinder about this matter. I suppose either he'll modify the plugin to make it suitable for AIDA64, or -- based on the public plugin sources in the Rivatuner SDK -- we'll do that. I'll let you know in this topic when the new plugin is available.


We've contacted Unwinder about this matter. I suppose either he'll modify the plugin to make it suitable for AIDA64, or -- based on the public plugin sources in the Rivatuner SDK -- we'll do that. I'll let you know in this topic when the new plugin is available.

Thats nice to hear Fiery!! Thanks for the quick response ;)


Hi all, finally the modded everest.dll is here(Credit goes to Stangowner from guru3d forums ;)

New Everest.dll

Simple replace the old one with this new one


Thank you for posting this.

I just checked out your thread in the RivaTuner forum too. I normally don't go into the advanced forum because it would be over my head. So you almost had it yourself. That's a lot more than I could have done. As Stangowner said, when Unwinder gets back to working on RivaTuner again the plugin will probably be renamed to aida64.dll

Anyway, thanks again.



Thank you, Fiery. That was fast and is very much appreciated.

edit: Finally had a chance to test this new plugin and it's working great. Thanks again for the fast service.

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