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I have a problem with remote sensor (AIDA64 version 6.25.5414 Beta)

To re-produce the problem:

  • a remotesensor with a HH:MM:SS. just this
  • update LCD frequency 100 ms (whatever you put does not affect the result).
  • browser from the same computer where AIDA64 runs (core i7 5820k, 32ram + pci-e ssd, the pc is not slow).

The SS updates once every 1,5sec about.

I have also tried CPU usage bars and other sensors, and the behavior is the same, so it is not a HH:MM:SS related problem.

I have also tried on a complete different PC, same behavior.

How can i fix this, and speedup the remotesensor ?

EDIT: I made another test

As I wondered if there is a sort of delay with AIDA64 webserver in webpage preparation, i have tried sensorPanel with exactly the same procedure. And I have obtained the same 1,5 sec update behavior.




  On 5/7/2020 at 1:30 PM, ronzino said:

I have a problem with remote sensor (AIDA64 version 6.25.5414 Beta)

To re-produce the problem:

  • a remotesensor with a HH:MM:SS. just this
  • update LCD frequency 100 ms (whatever you put does not affect the result).
  • browser from the same computer where AIDA64 runs (core i7 5820k, 32ram + pci-e ssd, the pc is not slow).

The SS updates once every 1,5sec about.

I have also tried CPU usage bars and other sensors, and the behavior is the same, so it is not a HH:MM:SS related problem.

I have also tried on a complete different PC, same behavior.

How can i fix this, and speedup the remotesensor ?

EDIT: I made another test

As I wondered if there is a sort of delay with AIDA64 webserver in webpage preparation, i have tried sensorPanel with exactly the same procedure. And I have obtained the same 1,5 sec update behavior.


I suppose it's more because of the slow gathering of sensor readings rather than because of a slow rendering of SensorPanel or RemoteSensor layout.

Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> Sensor Profiling Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. You may need to enable status bar in AIDA64 / main menu / View first.



The guilty is Corsair RMi or "SensorInfo", but i don't know what sensorinfo could be.

I have a HX1000i power supply. Can you improve this, or read this value from corsair software instead pooling the sensor ?

furthermore there are some corsair value misisng

  • power in
  • power out (the one you are display at this moment)
  •  power efficency


thanks for your help



------[ Versions ]------

Program Version : AIDA64 Extreme v6.25.5414 Beta
BenchDLL Version: 4.5.824.8-x64
Windows Version : Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 10.0.17763.253 (64-bit)

------[ Motherboard Info ]------

Motherboard ID      : <DMI>
Motherboard Model   : Asus X99-A II
Motherboard Chipset : Intel Wellsburg X99, Intel Haswell-E

DMI MB Product      : X99-A II
DMI MB Version      : Rev 1.xx
DMI MB Serial       : 160470798302760
DMI SYS Manufacturer: ASUS
DMI SYS Product     : All Series
DMI SYS Version     : System Version
DMI SYS Serial      : System Serial Number
DMI BIOS Version    : 1701

------[ Video Adapters ]------

nVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Founders Edition (PG413) [10DE-1B80 / 10DE-119E / Rev A1]
PNY Verto GeForce GTX 1080 [10DE-1B80 / 196E-119E / Rev A1]

------[ Video Driver ]------

nvapi.dll: - nVIDIA ForceWare 441.20


------[ Sensor Profiling (Init) ]------

SensorInfo        :  952.867 ms
GPUSensorInfo     :   24.150 ms
GPU01 / NV Diode  :    0.064 ms
GPU01 / NV Fan PWM:    0.000 ms
GPU02 / NV Diode  :    0.010 ms
GPU02 / NV Fan PWM:    0.000 ms
HDD               :    0.000 ms
SPD               :    2.282 ms
AMB               :    0.002 ms
Asus EPU2         :    0.000 ms
Asus EPU1         :    0.000 ms
nVIDIA SPP        :    0.000 ms
nVIDIA MCP        :    0.001 ms
Intel GMCH        :    0.001 ms
Bixby             :    0.002 ms
Intel PCH         :    0.000 ms
Intel SNB         :    0.062 ms
Zambezi           :    0.000 ms
Kaveri            :    0.000 ms
Zen               :    0.001 ms
AMD SVI2          :    0.000 ms
MTC0303           :    0.000 ms
Smart Battery     :    0.000 ms
HID UPS           :    0.000 ms
TVALZ             :    0.000 ms
Kraken X42        :    0.000 ms
Riing+            :    0.000 ms
CLCP              :    0.000 ms
Hydro Pt          :    0.000 ms
LM78              :   62.706 ms
TT DPS            :    0.000 ms
Digifanless       :    0.000 ms
Corsair RMi       :  806.744 ms
Corsair Link      :    0.000 ms
Odin              :    0.000 ms
Aquaero           :    0.000 ms

------[ Sensor Profiling (Last) ]------

SensorInfo        : 1004.454 ms
GPUSensorInfo     :   36.847 ms
GPU01 / NV Diode  :    0.008 ms
GPU01 / NV Fan PWM:    0.000 ms
GPU02 / NV Diode  :    0.010 ms
GPU02 / NV Fan PWM:    0.000 ms
HDD               :    0.000 ms
SPD               :    1.145 ms
AMB               :    0.002 ms
Asus EPU2         :    0.000 ms
Asus EPU1         :    0.000 ms
nVIDIA SPP        :    0.000 ms
nVIDIA MCP        :    0.000 ms
Intel GMCH        :    0.000 ms
Bixby             :    0.001 ms
Intel PCH         :    0.000 ms
Intel SNB         :    0.027 ms
Zambezi           :    0.000 ms
Kaveri            :    0.000 ms
Zen               :    0.001 ms
AMD SVI2          :    0.000 ms
MTC0303           :    0.000 ms
Smart Battery     :    0.000 ms
HID UPS           :    0.000 ms
TVALZ             :    0.000 ms
Kraken X42        :    0.000 ms
Riing+            :    0.000 ms
CLCP              :    0.000 ms
Hydro Pt          :    0.000 ms
LM78              :   60.249 ms
TT DPS            :    0.000 ms
Digifanless       :    0.000 ms
Corsair RMi       :  849.233 ms
Corsair Link      :    0.000 ms
Odin              :    0.000 ms
Aquaero           :    0.000 ms


I have also make a SENSORDEBUG->USB PSU Dump

(requires about 40seconds, as it is rightly state in the bottom...up 2 minutes you wrote :-)

I don't know if this helps to speedup reading, but some additional Wattage values are in there.....maybe you can use for displaying

  • power in
  • power out (the one you are display at this moment)
  •  power efficiency


------[ Versions ]------

Program Version : AIDA64 Extreme v6.25.5414 Beta
BenchDLL Version: 4.5.824.8-x64
Windows Version : Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 10.0.17763.253 (64-bit)

------[ Motherboard Info ]------

Motherboard ID      : <DMI>
Motherboard Model   : Asus X99-A II
Motherboard Chipset : Intel Wellsburg X99, Intel Haswell-E

DMI MB Product      : X99-A II
DMI MB Version      : Rev 1.xx
DMI MB Serial       : 160470798302760
DMI SYS Manufacturer: ASUS
DMI SYS Product     : All Series
DMI SYS Version     : System Version
DMI SYS Serial      : System Serial Number
DMI BIOS Version    : 1701

------[ DevClass / Human Interface Devices ]------

<DESC>Tastiera HID</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c531&mi_01&col01#7&27ad146a&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}\kbd</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C531&MI_01&COL01\7&27AD146A&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000002</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000001</ADDR><REV>2100</REV>
<DESC>Logitech Cordless Gaming Receiver</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c531&mi_00#7&147cf82c&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C531&MI_00\7&147CF82C&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000001</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000001</ADDR><REV>2100</REV>
<DESC>Dispositivo controllo consumi compatibile HID</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c531&mi_01&col02#7&27ad146a&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C531&MI_01&COL02\7&27AD146A&0&0001</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000002</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000002</ADDR><REV>2100</REV>
<DESC>Controller di sistema compatibile HID</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c531&mi_01&col03#7&27ad146a&0&0002#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C531&MI_01&COL03\7&27AD146A&0&0002</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000002</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000003</ADDR><REV>2100</REV>
<DESC>Mouse compatibile HID</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52b&mi_01&col01#7&36107dee&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01&COL01\7&36107DEE&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000004</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000001</ADDR><REV>1201</REV>
<DESC>Dispositivo compatibile HID definito da fornitore</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c531&mi_01&col04#7&27ad146a&0&0003#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C531&MI_01&COL04\7&27AD146A&0&0003</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000002</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000004</ADDR><REV>2100</REV>
<DESC>Mouse compatibile HID</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_15c2&pid_0045&mi_00&col01#9&31d6a4a&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_15C2&PID_0045&MI_00&COL01\9&31D6A4A&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000006</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000001</ADDR><REV>0002</REV>
<DESC>Dispositivo controllo consumi compatibile HID</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52b&mi_01&col02#7&36107dee&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01&COL02\7&36107DEE&0&0001</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000004</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000002</ADDR><REV>1201</REV>
<DESC>Dispositivo compatibile HID definito da fornitore</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c531&mi_01&col05#7&27ad146a&0&0004#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C531&MI_01&COL05\7&27AD146A&0&0004</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000002</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000005</ADDR><REV>2100</REV>
<DESC>Controller di sistema compatibile HID</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52b&mi_01&col03#7&36107dee&0&0002#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01&COL03\7&36107DEE&0&0002</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000004</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000003</ADDR><REV>1201</REV>
<DESC>Tastiera HID</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_15c2&pid_0045&mi_00&col02#9&31d6a4a&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}\kbd</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_15C2&PID_0045&MI_00&COL02\9&31D6A4A&0&0001</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000006</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000002</ADDR><REV>0002</REV>
<DESC>Dispositivo compatibile HID definito da fornitore</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52b&mi_01&col04#7&36107dee&0&0003#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01&COL04\7&36107DEE&0&0003</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000004</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000004</ADDR><REV>1201</REV>
<DESC>Dispositivo compatibile HID definito da fornitore</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_15c2&pid_0045&mi_01#9&26f4a80c&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_15C2&PID_0045&MI_01\9&26F4A80C&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000007</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000001</ADDR><REV>0002</REV>
<DESC>Tastiera HID</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52b&mi_00#7&1239402c&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}\kbd</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_00\7&1239402C&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000003</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000001</ADDR><REV>1201</REV>
<DESC>Dispositivo compatibile HID definito da fornitore</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52b&mi_02&col01#7&2ee2b042&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_02&COL01\7&2EE2B042&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000005</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000001</ADDR><REV>1201</REV>
<DESC>Dispositivo compatibile HID definito da fornitore</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52b&mi_02&col02#7&2ee2b042&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_02&COL02\7&2EE2B042&0&0001</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000005</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000002</ADDR><REV>1201</REV>
<DESC>Dispositivo compatibile HID definito da fornitore</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52b&mi_02&col03#7&2ee2b042&0&0002#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_02&COL03\7&2EE2B042&0&0002</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000005</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000003</ADDR><REV>1201</REV>
<DESC>Dispositivo compatibile HID definito da fornitore</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_1b1c&pid_1c07#6&11aec18e&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_1B1C&PID_1C07\6&11AEC18E&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000000</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000001</ADDR><REV>0002</REV>

------[ HID Device Info / Dispositivo compatibile HID definito da fornitore ]------

Device ID                 : 1B1C-1C07
Revision                  : 0002h
Device Instance           : HID\VID_1B1C&PID_1C07\6&11AEC18E&0&0000
Usage                     : 0001h
Usage Page                : FF00h
Input Report Byte Length  : 65
Output Report Byte Length : 65
Feature Report Byte Length: 0

------[ DevClass / USBXpress Devices ]------

< No USBXpress Device Found >

------[ TT DPS PSUs ]------

< No TT DPS PSU Found >

------[ Digifanless PSUs ]------

< No Digifanless PSU Found >

------[ Corsair HXi/RMi PSUs ]------

Model ID = "HX1000i"
Bank #0 / Pkt #3A = 90 00 00 00 = 144.000
Bank #0 / Pkt #3B = 1B 00 00 00 = 27.000
Bank #0 / Pkt #44 = 1A D2 00 00 = 8.406
Bank #0 / Pkt #45 = < failed >
Bank #0 / Pkt #46 = 90 F1 00 00 = 100.000
Bank #0 / Pkt #81 = 00 00 00 00 = 0.000
Bank #0 / Pkt #87 = < failed >
Bank #0 / Pkt #88 = CC F9 00 00 = 230.000 V
Bank #0 / Pkt #89 = < failed >
Bank #0 / Pkt #8A = < failed >
Bank #0 / Pkt #8B = 09 D3 00 00 = 12.141 V
Bank #0 / Pkt #8C = 14 F0 00 00 = 5.000 A
Bank #0 / Pkt #8D = 96 F0 00 00 = 37.500 C
Bank #0 / Pkt #8E = 6C F0 00 00 = 27.000 C
Bank #0 / Pkt #8F = < failed >
Bank #0 / Pkt #90 = 00 10 00 00 = 0.000 RPM
Bank #0 / Pkt #96 = 1E 08 00 00 = 60.000 W
Bank #0 / Pkt #97 = < failed >
Bank #0 / Pkt #99 = 43 4F 52 53 41 49 52 00 00 00 = "CORSAIR"
Bank #0 / Pkt #9A = 48 58 31 30 30 30 69 00 00 00 = "HX1000i"
Bank #0 / Pkt #D8 = 02 00 00 00 = 2.000
Bank #0 / Pkt #EE = 27 08 00 00 = 78.000 W
Bank #0 / Pkt #F0 = 00 00 00 00 = 0.000
Bank #0 / Pkt #F1 = < failed >
Bank #0 / Pkt #F2 = < failed >
Bank #0 / Pkt #F3 = < failed >

Model ID = "HX1000i"
Bank #1 / Pkt #3A = 90 00 00 00 = 144.000
Bank #1 / Pkt #3B = 1B 00 00 00 = 27.000
Bank #1 / Pkt #44 = E0 D0 00 00 = 3.500
Bank #1 / Pkt #45 = < failed >
Bank #1 / Pkt #46 = 80 E2 00 00 = 40.000
Bank #1 / Pkt #81 = 00 00 00 00 = 0.000
Bank #1 / Pkt #87 = < failed >
Bank #1 / Pkt #88 = CC F9 00 00 = 230.000 V
Bank #1 / Pkt #89 = < failed >
Bank #1 / Pkt #8A = < failed >
Bank #1 / Pkt #8B = 41 D1 00 00 = 5.016 V
Bank #1 / Pkt #8C = 30 E0 00 00 = 3.000 A
Bank #1 / Pkt #8D = 96 F0 00 00 = 37.500 C
Bank #1 / Pkt #8E = 6C F0 00 00 = 27.000 C
Bank #1 / Pkt #8F = < failed >
Bank #1 / Pkt #90 = 00 10 00 00 = 0.000 RPM
Bank #1 / Pkt #96 = 1E F8 00 00 = 15.000 W
Bank #1 / Pkt #97 = < failed >
Bank #1 / Pkt #99 = 43 4F 52 53 41 49 52 00 00 00 = "CORSAIR"
Bank #1 / Pkt #9A = 48 58 31 30 30 30 69 00 00 00 = "HX1000i"
Bank #1 / Pkt #D8 = 02 00 00 00 = 2.000
Bank #1 / Pkt #EE = 26 08 00 00 = 76.000 W
Bank #1 / Pkt #F0 = 00 00 00 00 = 0.000
Bank #1 / Pkt #F1 = < failed >
Bank #1 / Pkt #F2 = < failed >
Bank #1 / Pkt #F3 = < failed >
Bank #1 / PCIe Bank #00 switch failed!
Bank #1 / PCIe Bank #01 switch failed!
Bank #1 / PCIe Bank #02 switch failed!
Bank #1 / PCIe Bank #03 switch failed!
Bank #1 / PCIe Bank #04 switch failed!
Bank #1 / PCIe Bank #05 switch failed!
Bank #1 / PCIe Bank #06 switch failed!
Bank #1 / PCIe Bank #07 switch failed!
Bank #1 / PCIe Bank #08 switch failed!
Bank #1 / PCIe Bank #09 switch failed!
Bank #1 / PCIe Bank #10 switch failed!
Bank #1 / PCIe Bank #11 switch failed!

Model ID = "HX1000i"
Bank #2 / Pkt #3A = 90 00 00 00 = 144.000
Bank #2 / Pkt #3B = 1B 00 00 00 = 27.000
Bank #2 / Pkt #44 = 94 D0 00 00 = 2.313
Bank #2 / Pkt #45 = < failed >
Bank #2 / Pkt #46 = 80 E2 00 00 = 40.000
Bank #2 / Pkt #81 = 00 00 00 00 = 0.000
Bank #2 / Pkt #87 = < failed >
Bank #2 / Pkt #88 = CC F9 00 00 = 230.000 V
Bank #2 / Pkt #89 = < failed >
Bank #2 / Pkt #8A = < failed >
Bank #2 / Pkt #8B = D3 D0 00 00 = 3.297 V
Bank #2 / Pkt #8C = 0E E0 00 00 = 0.875 A
Bank #2 / Pkt #8D = 96 F0 00 00 = 37.500 C
Bank #2 / Pkt #8E = 6B F0 00 00 = 26.750 C
Bank #2 / Pkt #8F = < failed >
Bank #2 / Pkt #90 = 00 10 00 00 = 0.000 RPM
Bank #2 / Pkt #96 = 05 F8 00 00 = 2.500 W
Bank #2 / Pkt #97 = < failed >
Bank #2 / Pkt #99 = 43 4F 52 53 41 49 52 00 00 00 = "CORSAIR"
Bank #2 / Pkt #9A = 48 58 31 30 30 30 69 00 00 00 = "HX1000i"
Bank #2 / Pkt #D8 = 02 00 00 00 = 2.000
Bank #2 / Pkt #EE = 26 08 00 00 = 76.000 W
Bank #2 / Pkt #F0 = 00 00 00 00 = 0.000
Bank #2 / Pkt #F1 = < failed >
Bank #2 / Pkt #F2 = < failed >
Bank #2 / Pkt #F3 = < failed >

Model ID = "HX1000i"
Bank #2 / Pkt #3A = 90 00 00 00 = 144.000
Bank #2 / Pkt #3B = 1B 00 00 00 = 27.000
Bank #2 / Pkt #44 = 94 D0 00 00 = 2.313
Bank #2 / Pkt #45 = < failed >
Bank #2 / Pkt #46 = 80 E2 00 00 = 40.000
Bank #2 / Pkt #81 = 00 00 00 00 = 0.000
Bank #2 / Pkt #87 = < failed >
Bank #2 / Pkt #88 = CC F9 00 00 = 230.000 V
Bank #2 / Pkt #89 = < failed >
Bank #2 / Pkt #8A = < failed >
Bank #2 / Pkt #8B = D3 D0 00 00 = 3.297 V
Bank #2 / Pkt #8C = 0E E0 00 00 = 0.875 A
Bank #2 / Pkt #8D = 96 F0 00 00 = 37.500 C
Bank #2 / Pkt #8E = 6C F0 00 00 = 27.000 C
Bank #2 / Pkt #8F = < failed >
Bank #2 / Pkt #90 = 00 10 00 00 = 0.000 RPM
Bank #2 / Pkt #96 = 05 F8 00 00 = 2.500 W
Bank #2 / Pkt #97 = < failed >
Bank #2 / Pkt #99 = 43 4F 52 53 41 49 52 00 00 00 = "CORSAIR"
Bank #2 / Pkt #9A = 48 58 31 30 30 30 69 00 00 00 = "HX1000i"
Bank #2 / Pkt #D8 = 02 00 00 00 = 2.000
Bank #2 / Pkt #EE = 26 08 00 00 = 76.000 W
Bank #2 / Pkt #F0 = 00 00 00 00 = 0.000
Bank #2 / Pkt #F1 = < failed >
Bank #2 / Pkt #F2 = < failed >
Bank #2 / Pkt #F3 = < failed >

------[ Corsair AXi PSUs ]------

< No Corsair AXi PSU Found >


In the unlucky hypothesis that is it not possible to speedup the Corsair data gathering, have you ever considered to have more then one process to pool data from sensors ?

I mean, for example 3 gathering process

  • one process for OS data (OS is the fastest to provides info)
  • one process for HW sensor (quite fast sensors)
  • one process for third party SW or slow response time sensor (you AIDA or final users can assign the process to those sensors that has a slow response time). 

Doing this, when the scantime expires, the rendering process read the values from memory to prepare the graphics (lcd sensorpanel or whatever): if a gathering process has not completed is job in time, no problem the rendering process will render the last available value.

I am speaking to isolate the slowest sensors and reserve a specific gathering process that take care only of them. Another (or even more) processes are instead demanded to gathering high update frequency sensors.

This should improve the visual quality (smoothness and fluidity) of rendered images.

  On 5/12/2020 at 5:44 PM, ronzino said:

In the unlucky hypothesis that is it not possible to speedup the Corsair data gathering, have you ever considered to have more then one process to pool data from sensors ?

I mean, for example 3 gathering process

  • one process for OS data (OS is the fastest to provides info)
  • one process for HW sensor (quite fast sensors)
  • one process for third party SW or slow response time sensor (you AIDA or final users can assign the process to those sensors that has a slow response time). 

Doing this, when the scantime expires, the rendering process read the values from memory to prepare the graphics (lcd sensorpanel or whatever): if a gathering process has not completed is job in time, no problem the rendering process will render the last available value.

I am speaking to isolate the slowest sensors and reserve a specific gathering process that take care only of them. Another (or even more) processes are instead demanded to gathering high update frequency sensors.

This should improve the visual quality (smoothness and fluidity) of rendered images.


Thank you for the dumps.  Currently we have no plans to decouple the slow sensor modules from the main sensor module due to it being already very complex.  AFAIK it's not possible to talk to HXi/RMi Series PSUs through Corsair's software.  We do not have plans to add more power readings for your PSU, especially about the power efficiency which is a calculated value and IMHO it's not something that is accurate or has much foundation.

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