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Everything posted by operbico

  1. Font Helvetica Compressed Res 320x480 TUF 320x480.axlcd
  2. res 480x800 layout 100% fonts AMDRTG, GeForce 480x800 AMD Layout 100.sensorpanel
  3. res 480x800 layout 100% fonts GeForce 480x800 blackout layout 100.sensorpanel
  4. 480x800 layout 125% 480x800 yellow green layout 125.sensorpanel
  5. 480x800 layout 125% material white layout 125.sensorpanel
  6. fonts zurich res 480x800 layout 125% 480x800 Material Retro Layout 125.sensorpanel
  7. New color Fonts GeForce layout 125% Res 480x800 Built by windows paint, easy to change background color 480x800 material blue orange layout 125.sensorpanel
  8. Same Panel but layout 125% 480x800 Material Color V2.sensorpanel
  9. res 480x800 layout 100% fonts Airborne material Color 480x800.sensorpanel
  10. an old panel of mine resolution 800x480 layout 100% Icon No Gauge 800x480.sensorpanel
  11. New Built with internal LCD and sensorpanel
  12. Res 480x800 Layout 125% Fonts GeForce Red 480x800 layout 125.sensorpanel
  13. Res 480x800 Layout 125% Fonts Comic Sans 480x800 red yellow layout 125.sensorpanel
  14. Update fonts gunmetal res 480x800 layout 125% TUF No Gauges Layout 125 v2.sensorpanel
  15. Thanks to user who shared this amazing background Now there are bars inside the inner round bezel res 1280x800 fonts digital 7, spy agency, orbitron black layout 125% UserMod No Gauges Layout 125.sensorpanel
  16. Thank to everyone who shared the panels and their original ideas fonts dymo, airborne, digital 7 res 480x800 layout 125% 965742237_RemixUsersAida64layout125.sensorpanel
  17. cpu fan, utilization..etc..what's fonts name? thank you
  18. It is true Problem solved with new frame Res 480x800 fonts Gunplay layout 125% TUF No Gauges Layout 125.sensorpanel
  19. OK, nice work of the Exhumed, but the great idea is to put the graph inside a circular frame! Thank to both of you
  20. This is the best panel ever! Few people are able to do a built like this!!!! I looked inside the folder sensorpanel, there is no price for the teaching you have given. Thank you for sharing this original idea!!!!!!!!!
  21. Thanks to S1mOn for the original idea res 480x800 layout 125% fonts BF_Modernista Green No gauges Layout 125.sensorpanel
  22. Thanks to AWOL for the original idea now the gauges fill up completely Layout 125% res 480x800 fonts: airborne, spyagency, amdrtg AMD NO GAUGE Layout 125.sensorpanel
  23. very very nice, what's font name? thanks
  24. nice fonts, what is name? thanks
  25. pump and radiator came from a car??? very nice job
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