Hi, I have replaced old alphacool lcd display with new matrix orbital eve2 43g (480x272)
Connection is usb by spi2usb board
I set new display within alphacool frame
thaks to aida64 support
Hi here a project with odospace.
Many thanks aida64 and odospace
smartphone gt-i9505 (1080x1920)
hw fx-8320, msi 970 gaming, r9 280
SDC Megtron is no longer available...
I bought this a long time ago
now it is better to use a small display hdmi 5 inch as secondary monitor to see directly sensorpanel like this
nice setup. I'm looking for an lcd 5" panel to connect via usb to replace my alphacool and sdc mecgtron (in my second pc)
I prefer usb connection because i can use internal usb on mb to have a better cable managment
thank you
Thank you for sharing your creation
I copied your idea to create a similar panel for spf-87
if this a problem for you. I'm sorry and I delete this post
Hi, many thanks to Fiery, who fix some bugs for sdc megtron.
Here SDC megtron working and samsung SPF-87H in same pc (FX-8320)
Now I can't use pc without aida64 and front panel
P.S. A Thanks also for jorrell0733 for sharing gauge....
Hi, I have a sdc megtron. I try Aida64 4.50.3049 and 4.60.3100 but I can see only lines on the display. I have installated correttly sdc driver in fact with this software work correctly. I have also an alphacool lcd and no problem with aida64. Please help me with sdc...