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Everything posted by odospace

  1. Android app and installer have different versions. You can find the latest release in GitHub.
  2. Check the update frequency:
  3. Hi, when using multiple accounts on one pc the autostart feature does not work as expected. Only the last user that enables autostart wins. The reason is that only one entry exists within the task scheduler and this entry is "assigned" to the last user name. So, when login with another user, the task does not work. I created an additional entry within the task scheduler to start Aida64 for every user. A possible solution for Aida64 might be one entry for each user, however, my solution works for me. Thank you again for the great product Odo
  4. Hi, it would be great to display the currently used profile of the ClockTuner for Ryzen https://www.guru3d.com/articles-pages/clocktuner-2-1-for-ryzen-(ctr)-guide,1.html as a sensor value. Best regards Odo
  5. Hi, during Cache and Memory Benchmark, my new PC reboots alway before the memory read performance is displayed. All BIOS Settings were left on the default settings, and the Ryzen Master is not installed. I have the following compontents: - Windows 10 - ROG CROSSHAIR VIII DARK HERO - AMD 5950x - 4x8GB G.Skill TridentZ Neo (F4-3800C14D-16GTZN), 3800Mhz, CL14, 1.5V I would be very grateful if someone could give me a tip on what i could try to get to the bottom of the problem. Best regards Odo
  6. Somewhere on the screen. Uncheck "Enable Odospace LCD support, then you can change the resolution.
  7. The client app only works for Android, maybe you can install Android on Rasperry. I found this (without warranty): https://konstakang.com/devices/rpi4/LineageOS18/
  8. Check the Update Frequency in Aida64, try to set it to a higher value (e.g. 2000ms).
  9. To stop the Windows program from loading on startup, simply use the Autostart page in the Windows 10 settings.
  10. If using WiFi, set the network IP address to the address of your wireless tablet! If using WiFi you can remove the OdoSpace windows program from autostart, it is only required for USB connection. However, OdoSpace for windows must be still installed.
  11. Hi, please post your great panels here: As this topic is for comments related to OdoSpace remote only. Thank you and best regards Odo
  12. Phuu, working 6 hours on the problem.... Try the beta version http://apps.odospace.com/RemotePanelSetup16a.exe, and please inform me if it works. Question again: Does any one knows an android device running without a battery?
  13. There is no relevant difference. Try to increase "Update Frequency" for LCD within Aida64 preferences. A question on my own: Does any one knows an android device running without a battery?
  14. Please set the "Panel Postion" within the Aida 64 OdoSpace settings to 0. It defines the position within the Android App tabs.
  15. Hi Fiery, is it possible to set the computername for the HTML title? Best regards Odo
  16. Hi Gekido, the RemotePanel app uses the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) that may cause the problem. Try to install another ADB version. Best regards
  17. The setting "Panel Position" within Aida64 (look at the image 4 posts above) specifies the tab position within the Android app. So you can use one App to display Aida64 pages from different PCs. For example: PC1 with Android Device: IP-Address:, Panel Position: 0 PC2: IP-Address: "Address of PC1", Panel Position: 1
  18. Hi, if the mentioned USB driver does not work, try to install Samsung SideSync http://www.samsung.com/us/support/owners/app/sidesync.
  19. Hi Gekido, can you tell me which part crashes (Android or Windows Prog)? And what you understand about a "crash". Are you familiar with C++, C# and Android programming? Best regards
  20. Description to boot on USB power on for Nexus 7 (2012) added. See first chapter. Best regards Odo
  21. Hi, it crashes on one of my Windows 10 PCs also if returned from standby. However currently I have not enough spare time to search for the problem. But if you are familiar with C programming, i can send you the source code for problem determination. Best regards
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