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Everything posted by Vimyscout

  1. Panel and font in the zip Cheers DB-4.zip
  2. 1920 x 480 Panel and fonts in zip Thanks for looking
  3. Was having the same problem Thanks for the fix @Mice007
  4. Thanks Sent you a message.
  5. 1920 x 480 Fonts in zip As always thanks for looking HUD16.zip
  6. Thank you my friend
  7. 1920x480 Panel & fonts in zip file Thanks for looking HUD15TR2.zip
  8. Removed - Lack of space
  9. My pleasure Glad you like it
  10. @catch22 Should fix the size problem @Surjeet Thank you again for your kind words I've also added in the fonts again if needed HUD13RS.rar digital-7 (mono).ttf Future Z.ttf
  11. No worries I'll add a bigger size later with FPS.
  12. No problem, I'll resize the box for you at some point tomorrow evening when I'm back home. I'll PM you when it's ready.
  13. 1920 x 480 File is in WinRAR format Thanks for looking HUD13.rar
  14. 1920 x 480 Sensorpanel file is in WinRAR format. Thanks for looking HUD12.rar
  15. 1920 x 480 Thanks for looking HUD11.sensorpanel
  16. 1920 x 480 Same fonts Thanks for looking HUD10.rar
  17. 1920 x 480 Same fonts you'll find from previous post. As always thanks for looking Keep on sharing HUD009.rar
  18. Request I put together for a member here Shared background for anyone else who may also want to use it 1024 x 600
  19. 1920 x 480 Fonts the same as previous post. Thanks for looking HUD007.rar
  20. 1920 x 480 Cheers HUD005.rar
  21. 1920 x 480 If you like the panel but not the present logo's let me know and I'll remove or replace them for you. Fonts again can be found in previous post. As always - thanks for looking.
  22. 1920 x 480 You'll find both fonts: Digital -7 and Future-Z in previous post. Thanks for looking. HUD002.rar
  23. 1920 x 480 Thanks for looking HUD00.sensorpanel
  24. If you download the panel everything will pretty much fall into place. Right-click on the panel for the SensorPanel manager screen. You'll find all the info there. Fonts are Future Z & Digital-7 included. Fonts.rar
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