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Everything posted by Vimyscout

  1. Thanks for looking
  2. Thanks for looking BX-UI.rar
  3. 1920 x 480 Thanks for looking VS00.sensorpanel
  4. 1920 x 480 Font in zip Thanks for looking 4HVimy.zip
  5. No worries. My thanks.
  6. Sounds good. If you do need anything resizing let me know. Cheers Vimy
  7. 1920 x 480 Font included in zip Thanks for looking 305V.zip
  8. 1920 x 480 Thanks for looking
  9. Thanks bro, I appreciate it.
  10. 1920 x 480 Thanks for looking WX-2.zip
  11. 1920 x 480 Fonts supplied And as always - Thanks for looking Future Z.ttf DS-DIGI.TTF
  12. Cheers Fonts are DS-Digital and Technopollas You'll find them both on DaFont
  13. 1920 x 480 Included font As always - Thanks for looking
  14. 1920 x 480 Thanks for looking LS3.rar
  15. 1920 x 480 Thanks for looking
  16. 1920 x 480 Both Sensorpanel and font in RAR file. Vim77.rar
  17. If you need the background Asus logo removing, want it blank or replaced with another - let me know. 1920 x 480 Thanks as always for looking. Anita semi square.ttf
  18. Let me know if any interest - cheers
  19. Added AORUS logo Also lengthened the power bars Font is the same
  20. Yes they are. Ran out of time a little trying to put this one together. I'll add a Aorus logo for you a little later. Thanks
  21. If you don't want the Asus logo or you would like it changed or even blank, let me know. 1920 x 480 Font supplied. Thanks for looking.
  22. Assuming you already have a licensed copy of Aida64, which will display all your GPU options. Did you change from Nvidia drivers to Radeon for your new card? If that's the case, there could be elements still of your old drivers left behind which may be causing some conflict on your system. Windows 'uninstall' option will not completely remove everything GPU driver related. I'm only guessing here but it may be worth while if you haven't already, downloading something like DDU. Again, if this is the case? I would completely uninstall any Radeon drivers beforehand, then use DDU to completely clean your system of any video driver leftovers, both of your old card, and new. When done go ahead and reinstall your Radeon drivers. Judging by the screenshot, your system is bang up to date. Good luck
  23. You're welcome.
  24. Okay I'll see what I can do for you.
  25. GRX-No Logo.sensorpanel Here you go.
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