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Everything posted by Vimyscout

  1. My Thanks
  2. Glad you like it - Thanks
  3. 1920 x 480 Both fonts can be found on previous uploads SF Square Head & Future-Z Thanks for looking
  4. Thank you
  5. You're welcome
  6. 1920 x 480 Text is Future Z which can be found on previous uploads Thanks for looking
  7. 1920 x 480 Thanks for looking
  8. You're welcome.
  9. Okay just got through deleting some older stuff. Happy to now share the panel. 1920 x 480 As always, thanks for looking and enjoy ! Future Z.ttf Alien-Encounters-Regular.ttf TP1Vimy.sensorpanel
  10. Obrigada !
  11. Yeah you're right I think that's the case. Will have to go back through some earlier post and delete them. Not that I really want to but no choice I guess. Cheers
  12. Okay not quite sure what's happening but I can't even get the .sensorpanel up? I'll try again later
  13. Thanks friend
  14. Thanks mate !
  15. Struggling to post this one. Once I add the .sensorpanel and fonts it tells me I have exceeded the limit. Will try and post seperately.
  16. Help you out if I can.
  17. Thanks for looking 1920 x 480
  18. I appreciate it - Thank you
  19. Why not just bring your panels here instead of a website link to get them.
  20. 1920 x 480 As always thanks for looking.
  21. 1920 x 480 Font is Future Z which i've shared before but in case you missed it added below. Thanks again for looking
  22. You're welcome
  23. 1920 x 480 Thanks for looking
  24. Here you go
  25. Thanks I appreciate it. Not a problem. Will try do a little later for you. Vimy
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