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Everything posted by Mrmike

  1. Ive now come to agree with all of the above even if some dated posts, I have been using this since it was called everest and most of the users in here were still in nappies I have bought a few licenses made some average and onto awsome panels shared and have been downloaded thousands of times, helped 100's of other users accross my 2 accounts, one being lost to a non accessible email account it was registered too. I even if to be genuinally honest with you also used a illegitiment key once which lasted 18 months, why, as so many now have said above, its not viable to keep paying this money to monitor a single personal PC hardware, I have since bought alot of AQUACOMPUTER stuff for my PC and are now finding/found a way to use there suite on my 2nd monitor to observere my system which i will have to pay for after my 3 years for free from purchase, but its a 3rd of the price of Aida. Ive just updated from WIN10 pro to WIN11 pro as since my last aida64 license expired and a PC thats not been altered since all testing completed has since developed stability issues, hardware falling out of my now expired aida software and a couple of crashes, and I for this reason will not be paying for and installing Aida64 to bother monitoring my system despite having an awsome 1280 800 panel to use, Fiery, no ones suggesting you shouldnt earn a lliving in todays market, other options and for a personal 1 PC user its to expensive mate!
  2. big shout out to coma stella roll around on the floor wetting myself ffs this is a Barrowch standard template !!!! i see why i dont spend anytime in here anymore with the exception of a few its full of muppets! want want want no fucking manners btw chino you mug my panel doesnt look like that shit copy of mine you made now
  3. oh aren't we a clever boy!!! well done give him a gold badge!!!!! right to call it weak, weak copy! muppet!
  4. lol a slightly more polite way of my statement! totally agree, he/she you might want to put though, dont want to upset the female members of this forum! mind you in the world we live in today youd have to include 10,000 other gender groups!
  5. another muppet! spend some fecking time and learn how to do things! "some people like me are willing to pay!!!!!" yet your able to write software and bug fixes! no one has to share what they dont want to, nothing here or has ever been here says you cant post screens of your panel to show and not share the files! and with bell ends like you in here telling folk they are wankers for not isnt going to get you anywhere!
  6. Thanks, appreciate your comment, but this one took me while as everything was made from scratch in adobe illustrator and PS and its not one i want to share at this time sorry buddy, as i made evident in comments several pages back, it is my opinion that folk dont have to share theyre files if they dont wish too. but im very happy to send you more gauges back grounds and stuff you can play with to make a panel of your own one very close to this from numerous stuff ive made in the last 2 years and others you can download from here. PM your email addy and i will send it all on to you
  7. have you got dimm sensors enabled in the aida preferences menu ? like this
  8. thanks, appreciate your comment i really like it too! Yes these Beadapanels look pretty decent, and i can see the advantages of a single usb connection Ive been doing this far to long lol, and if you could see some of the mods ive had to do in the past to have a 300 by 300 alphacool blue lcd to display stuff on the side of my old CM HAF case through what aida was then known as everest I dont see any effect on the gpu usage having a second hdmi display plugged into it for the Aida display, and it obviously does all power down on shut down, i cant speak from experience of a less capable gpu perhaps they might have some interference IMO now with these space heaters we build and sit by playing games water cooling your GPU is far more important than the CPU these RTX monsters are sucking up 250-400w combined with a 100w CPU 300-500w is alot of power!! and heat! i see no throttling at all as i can sit and play 3840 2160 144hz and gpu cpu sit at 50'c perfect! 2x 240 1 x 360 rads all P&P fans i should add to keep them there the proposed new, 3090Ti and 400 series are looking at 300-450w TDP rofl!! soon we wont need heating in the house just whack all the pc's on!
  9. Ive tweaked my panel a bit this week as my new monitor eats up this GPU @3840 2160 144hz
  10. you made a really nice enclosure for your panel mate, given thats not been done with a 3d printer, great skills, personally im not to keen on the stand on the back, but the bezel and shroud are bang on fella
  11. from my own experience of recently rebuilding my system and reloading all of my OS and software, the initial reboot saw my display settings go to 300% scaling as I use a 3840x2160 43 inch monitor and my preferred scaling is 125%, I built my sensor panels at 125% and at 300% its a total mess gauges all over the place and there is no fixing it till you set the display scale back to what the panel was built at. not that i found anyway happy to be corrected if theres a way round. I also came to the conclusion that sharing your panel via the Aida sensor panel file and someone opens it on their PC with different scaling is probably the reason so many have these issues with panels they downlaod and use in aida.
  12. Hi Simon can be done with a raspberry pi and external monitoring, but try download the beta above that Fiery posted, but make sure you extract the files inside the Aida64 program x86 folder on your C drive then exit reboot should be all good
  13. so some advantages to being an old fart Filipe if you knew me better and knew actually the time ive spent in here for many many years helping folk, you wouldnt make judgement, people used to thank those that made panels alot. massively declined, reflection of society today imo! ive been using this software long long before it was even Aida64, it used to be called Everest Ultimate, and my current forum acc is a newish one as one from 16+ years ago i lost due to an email addy i no longer had access to to reset Ive been making panels of sorts for probably 20 years! and sharing them, logitech keyboards had displays years ago and also ive used others gauges at points too! but always thanked them, we all have skills Filipe I was a 1,2,3, star michelin chef for 10 of 18years in catering upto Head chef, and i now run a 250k a year business doing complete high end bathroom and kitchen fit outs and i do everything!! and are able to be creative with a PC, you are entitled to you thoughts, and to be totally honest, i dont really care what you think frankly another advantage to being an old fart! water off a ducks back!, If someone wishes to put alot of hard work into a panel and show it not share it i dont see the issue, peace!
  14. to many to mention , manners are a dying art
  15. And you really are a bell end! take the time, rofl, 4 nice panels shared in the last 12 months, 1300+ odd downloads 500 on one alone, im glad you dont like my panels, ill sleep well knowing that!! never seen anything you've put up!!!! cant make a decent one can you, rely on others to do the hard work, ill bet you even tell people you made it!! rofl crack on numb nuts
  16. and your a knob head!
  17. I'd like to see someone try and copy that in gimp lol, the only folk who could will be skilled or know theyre way around Adobe Ai and PS and have some time, I taught myself both softwares the week before i made that panel it took a week of long days and a misses looking at me often!!! it doesnt go un noticed you produce alot of panels in here fella, and it wouldnt go a miss you were thanked for them a bit more too, Im becoming and old fart now to some im sure at 48! my 20 year old and 13 year old think i am! but i was brought up with manners and please and thank you cost you nothing in this world and get you everywhere!
  18. like this, shared an image of my work, and wont be sharing the file!
  19. sorry disagree share can mean many things, share a picture of your work, share the files, the sharing is down to the individual, ive shared many great panels, and havent shared my last and wont be, there are to many manner less **** wits in this forum, and examples recently of arseholes stealing it for commercial gain, i could say the last panel i did share in full 475 downloads 1 like 1 thanks! says it all really, nobody necessarily wants smoke blown up their arse, but a thanks dont go a miss! lots of hard work goes into all decent panels that have nice gauges and templates! so a thanks helps those with the skills to make decent panels continue, there are many now who dont share stuff here anymore. i shared the last 2 good HUD ones as i will never use them again.
  20. the twice i tried to update before seems they werent over writing the files in the program folder, ive manually done it and seems to of solved it, but has left my panel needing re doing in parts, can live with that thanks for the reply Mike
  21. your not alone ive been asking since yesterday!!!!! mine have all disappeared on a high end Z590
  22. you need to select memory speed not clock for the sensor it will then display DDR4 3600 speed is shown at 1800 with multi runs at 3600 or above with OC
  23. guess i wont be getting any reply either! programs now pretty useless! will have to move onto one that works over the holidays till perhaps things work!! all missing elements shown here on hwinfo64
  24. this is where i currently now are, renders Aida and my panel pretty usless for now! Tiger point H i have updated to current beta
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