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  1. I'd also like it if you wouldn't mind re-sharing
  2. Am I the only one that thinks this thread is a bit like saying "I love Lamborghini's but I demand you make them far more affordable - they're not worth what you charge as they probably only cost 1/4 of what you sell them for" lol People price things according to the work gone into them - If you can't afford it, don't buy it. I used to make mods for cars, they would cost me £40 to make, I sold them for £50 which literally doesn't account for the months of R&D, Testing, sourcing components etc etc and I still had people "Who know better" telling me I'm overcharging and the mod was barely worth £10
  3. If you're using a Chrome based browser you could install an extension such as https://mybrowseraddon.com/custom-style-script.html and have it target your IP as the url. This allows you to add your own CSS and Script such as jQuery. You could use jQuery to insert (Prepend / Append) html blocks as you wish
  4. Mono spaced fonts are what you need, but generally the "fancy" / nice looking fonts are rarely monospaced
  5. When you select/import a sensor panel into Aida64 the files are extracted from the .sensorpanel or .rslcd inside the Aida64 program folder, in a folder called sensorpanel (or remotesensor lcd if using RSLCD format). For example, my folder is here: C:\Program Files\AIDA64\SensorPanel (or here: C:\Program Files\AIDA64\RemoteSensor LCD) You can then copy those images to a folder outside of Aida64 (You don't *have* to, but I highly recommend you create your own panel folder on your desktop or something when putting your gauge together) and use them as you wish. You could add a custom gauge and then just set the 00 - 15 images accordingly. Once you have finalised your design, you can export it to a .sensorpanel or .rslcd format and it will embed all the images within that file so you no longer need your working folder if that makes sense.
  6. This has been touched upon before - google search digital signatures on windows and compiling from Visual Studio, as well as packers Long story short is that apps compiled via Visual Studio that are NOT signed and can trigger false positives. I also "packed" the program - so all runtimes and dlls are "packed" into a single exe file for easier download, running, and portability. Packers can ALSO trigger false positives. I'm pro open-source, but part of that reason to be pro open source is because of times like this when AV gives false reports. The source code is available to view, check out, inspect and see for yourself there's nothing malicious or dodgy in it. Blame the AV for false flagging it, the problem isn't in the app itself so to speak
  7. I couldn't find any rules either! Personally I think it would be good if there was simply a separate thread for those selling and those sharing free. Everyone's happy then lol
  8. I didn't ask you to "prove your point" - I asked you because I have not seen such rules. In fact, I'm not sure I've seen any forum rules. (Maybe there was some when I joined but I don't know how to view them again) As for selling panels. Here's my 2pence worth... This particular thread is called "SHARE your SensorPanel", so I agree that any panels posted in *THIS* thread should be free to download. However, I am not against those selling panels, they have every right, I do wish there was a separate thread for Selling Panels and Sharing panels though. I'm not reporting anyone, they can sell if they want
  9. That's a dumb response! I've looked. I've checked FAQs, I've searched the keyword RULES - I don't find the rules you talk about?
  10. Where are these rules of which you speak? (I'm genuinely interested as I don't think I've seen the forum rules here)
  11. As @Awol already said, there's a few posts in this thread very recently that explain how it's done! Basically you have overlapping gauges. So you make 1 gauge, that's 0 - 50 and you add your 16 images. You make a second gauge, 00 image is completely transparent, you set that as 50-100 and you position it directly on top of the gauge 1. You just repeat this until you get the result you want. You could have 3,4, 5, or 6 etc gauges stacked up on top of each other.
  12. I see! That makes sense, I understand. Although, with that said, I still think it should be an option. Some people want to use RemoteSensor for its ability to use animated gifs. There's demand a usage scenario where the file sizes don't really matter, since they're being viewed the same computer, using There's no worry about data over wireless connections when using them in that sense. Perhaps there's a "feature request" contact, where this idea could be forward to allow custom gauges in RemoteSensor panels - with a warning/notification shown so users know it's not wise if using RemoteSensor remotely (as intended) - but it's ok for those running locally on same machine. Either that, or simply add animated gif support to the OSD Sensor Panel! That's mostly the reason people are looking at RSLCD formats - to add animations. If the normal OSD panel worked with animated gifs, that'd be perfect for those purely using RemoteSensor for the gif feature.
  13. The YouTube video is just using Animated GIFs - Not sure it's a viable proper workaround, since you still can't use custom gauges showing custom values, you're just showing an animated gif that looks like a gauge, but actually does not function like one, hence why it doesn't show a value, it just repeats it's movement around the number. The number itself WILL be correct, since it's just a normal sensorvalue number. The Bluescreen error seen comes from my program, I coded that, it's supposed to show if it can't connect to whatever URL you have entered in the settings. As for Exception Violation, that is a very strange one. As mentioned, you can see from my source code (on github) that my program doesn't actually reference Aida64.exe is any way, shape or form. Since my app is basically just a web browser, built to be used with Aida, it doesn't actually interact with Aida so to speak - you could run my RSLCD Viewer on a computer that isn't running aida64, and just set the url to google.com for example and it would work. So no idea how it's caused that strange Exception error but I'm looking into it
  14. You mean you're having problems with my RSLCD Viewer? Can you send me a message/PM with the details and problems so I can try to replicate and fix. Many thanks
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