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SensorPanel Icon Missing for External HDD

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Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Disk Debug --> RAID Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic. Make sure to use Beta 2215.




Thank you. Is it a Samsung HD502HI drive that's missing from your SensorPanel now? Can you see that reading on the Computer / Sensor page or not?


Since it's there on the Sensor page, I think you just need to reconfigure the relevant SensorPanel item. Maybe the index of the external HDD has changed in the HDD order list, and that made the SensorPanel item stop working properly.



Thank you for looking into this issue.

I have tried to Modify the Sensor Panel item for the external HDD temperature, changing the size, style, type, values, etc., but I cannot. That is to say; no matter what I change, the "OK" button remains greyed out so that I cannot apply the changes. With other Sensor Paenl items, the "OK" button is usable, even without any modification.

Also, why would that particular Sensor Panel icon, and only that one, be visible (and editable) for all versions of AIDA64 that use the Sensor Panel except the last three version as noted?

As always, your help is greatly appreciated.


Something must have happened around that HDD item. When you cannot press the OK button, it means the sensor item is not selected or no longer valid. In the list you need to select the sensor item again.

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