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Adding Page file


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Fiery, Can you pls let me know what the sensor id's are for "Used Swap Space" & "Free Swap Space" they have not been included into the Help files.


The IDs are SUSEDSWAP and SFREESWAP. We've added to the manual now, thank you for bringing our attention to that issue.

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Fiery, Sorry to be a pain about this but when i asked for page file you gave me a swapfile instead. if you look at the OP it does say "pagefile"

Exactly what information would you like to see about the page file? Current Page File Usage in MegaBytes?

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Exactly what information would you like to see about the page file? Current Page File Usage in MegaBytes?

Hi Fiery, If you look in Aida64 under Menu>Motherboard>Memory>Paging file, you will see the pagefile.sys info. I would like to see the Current/peak added to external shared memory in MB's if possible.


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