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Right.... So I LOVE the RSLCD concept, but don't wanna keep faffing with browser blah blah.... 

So, in the last 6 hours, I've installed Visual Studio 2022, learned some basic c#, learned c# windows applications (Both WinForms & WPF methods), and then I've put together what I'm calling the "RSLCD Browser" .

So, here's the details for the Alpha build...

LCD > Enable RemoteSensor LCD Support -- This MUST be enabled.  Please ensure TCP/IP Port is 80 (default)

When you run the program, it will open to the top left most of your screen.  Simply drag the window anywhere you want by left clicking your mouse then dragging!  When you exit the program, it will remember it's window location the next time it restarts.  This includes size, position, and even which monitor it's on.

There's no taskbar icon, only a System Tray Icon that will show up.  Right clicking the system tray icon will give you 2 options.  Settings, and Exit.  Exit should be obvious.  Settings will open up a simple settings window where you can set the panel size.  By default it starts on 800x480.  Adjust your numbers, hit save.  the main window will automatically resize to your settings.

There is no "Title bar" or any other controls on the main window - it is purely the RSLCD Panel (Basically a web browser - it uses the webView2 component from MS)

I want to stress that this is purely an ALPHA build.  Minimalistic and crude would be an understatement 

Things to add in future versions:

- Option to set URL (Although currently AIDA64 user localost/ with no option for anything else BUT this app could be used with a different remotesensor monitoring thing I guess should one exist)

- Option to set TCP/IP Port

- Option to "Run on startup"

I've only tested this on my Windows 11 PC
.NET 4.7.2 framework is required however most Windows computers will (should?) have this already.


Main window with settings also showing (The Animated Sonic RSLCD is from this thread)




Icon right click (context menu)



Fair warning, it's a 20mb .exe file (ZIP Compressed to 6mb to share) - I have done zero research on optimizing etc.  This is simply the file size as it was created via Visual Studio as an AIO file (Meaning all required .dll files etc etc are packaged into the exe similar to a portable app)

I'm open to other ideas/suggestions, constructive feedback etc but PLEASE, I've learned, created, published this in like 6 hours starting from zero knowledge ha so don't expect miracles requests to happen overnight!

Once it's been a little more refined I will upload source to GitHub 


EDIT: I've made it's own thread here: 


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how to insert gif images on rslcd panel? because when I want to insert a gif image from the c:/aida64-RemoteSensor LCD folder, the gif images that are in it simply do not appear. why? Thank you in advance for your help, if anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. have a nice day!



4 órával ezelőtt Kryogenus azt mondta:

ezt az alkalmazást, amely tartalmazza az RSLCD fájlok használatát.

Nagyszerű munka, és még egyszer köszönöm a megosztásokat.

yes, that is indeed what RSLCD uses, thank you!

i just don't really know how to paste or import the gif file, i only know png images or rslcd file.

I can't simply import or insert a gif file because it doesn't even appear in the ac: aida64/remotesensor lcd folder.

.and it's full of gifs. do I have to do something with the gif images or I don't know???????????????


nem az én munkáim, nem tudom kinek, de nagyon köszönöm neki, hogy az ő műveivel dolgozhattam!
külön köszönet az IAmOrionnak az RSLCD Browser munkájáért és hogy megosztotta velünk ezt a nagyszerű RSLCD böngészőt. Ezt sikerült rslcd-1024x600-as felbontásban összeraknom, hátha valakit meg tudok vele örömet okozni.
ui: Fordítóval írok, hogy elnézést a kései hibákért!

Képernyőkép 2022-07-03 180502.png

On 16/02/2022 at 14:55, Chino83 said:

en quoi est-ce différent j'ai fait ce panneau que vous voulez je vous dis que c'est le même

il vient de faire une copie de l'une des jauges et l'a déplacé vers le milieu et il a fait quelques modifications mais la source est la même un peu de travail de votre part et vous serez réglé

you don't have it in 1920*1080 please
On 4/8/2021 at 1:58 PM, SlapCat said:

Made 2 versions, vertical (480x1920) and horizontal (1920x480)... Will keep improving... :)

Sharing files soon!






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